A Texas mom decided to teach her son a lesson after she learned a valuable thing about his personaIity. The boy was causing trouble in school. Administrators at the school he attended came to his mom to explain that he was a bully toward other students at the educational institution.
The Texas mom claimed that her son went down the wrong path and was calling other students “idiots” and “stupid,” which is why the mom decided to make her bully son wear a T-shirt that proclaimed, “I am a BULLY.” Mom wanted her son to be recognized as a bully at Greenleaf EIementary School in his community.
She knew that other students at the school had heard that her son was a horrible person to other students. However, she wanted everyone to know that she believed them, and that’s why she forced her son to wear a T-shirt that humiliated him in front of hundreds of people at the school – not to mention thousands of people onIine who saw his mom’s social media post on Facebook. See the image of the shirt down below:
“He was calling other boys stupid (and) calling them idiots,” the Texas mom, Star, who asked that she be identified by her first name only, told KTRK-TV. “I’m a very old-school parent. I don’t coddle my children. I don’t sugarcoat the world to them.”
Star wanted as many people as possible to know that her son was a bully, so she posted a picture of the boy wearing the T-shirt to her Facebook account. Star wrote, “I posted it to reach out to the parents of any of the kids my son may have bullied so that each one of them couId get a personal apology.”
Although some people felt that Star went too far when it came to punishing her bully son, Star stood behind her actions and defended herself against critics in the online community. “I wanted to know what he learned from it, and he said, ‘I learned that I didn’t likе the way that that felt, and I don’t want anybody else to feel that way because of me,’” Star said. “That’s exactIy what I wanted him to take from it.” Professionals in the child development world do not support Star’s punishment.
Although her son was a bully who was hurting other children, a child psychiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine denounced Star’s treatment of her son. “Not a good idea to embarrass your child and solidify a negative identity in an elementary school child,” the child psychiatrist said. “She needs to find somebody to help her, and I think the school is one resource.” AIthough Star had critics on social media and across the internet, she claimed that her son’s school district approved of her decision. Splendora ISD said, “parents have the right to make important decisions and take certain actions on behalf of their child.” What do you think about this mom’s punishment of her bully son?
Secrets Revealed: The Hidden Purpose of Those Mysterious Holes in Front Porch Walls!

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious holes you often see in the brick walls of front porches? These holes may seem insignificant at first glance, but they actually serve various purposes rooted in architectural history. Let’s uncover the secrets behind these intriguing features!
A Solution for Drainage Issues
One of the primary purposes of these holes is to address drainage issues. During heavy rain, water can accumulate on front porches, leading to potential damage and erosion. The holes provide pathways for rainwater to escape, ensuring that it doesn’t accumulate and cause any harm. It’s fascinating to think that such a small detail can play such a significant role in protecting our homes!
An Evolution from Mail Slots to Modern Mailboxes
In the past, before modern mailboxes became prevalent, these holes also served as mail slots for direct delivery into homes. It was a convenient way for mail to be delivered without the need for an external mailbox. So next time you see one of these holes on a front porch, imagine the letters that were once delivered through them, carrying stories and correspondence from days gone by.
Ventilation and Moisture Control
Another important function of these holes is ventilation. After a heavy rain, front porches can become damp and moist. The holes allow air to circulate, aiding in the drying process and preventing moisture-related problems. So not only do they serve a functional purpose, but they also help maintain a comfortable and dry environment.
Connecting the Past and Present
Beyond their functionality, these holes contribute to the aesthetic appeal of front porches. They create captivating light and shadow effects that add character and charm to our homes. Each hole tells a story, reflecting the changing needs of households over time. They are a tangible reminder of the past and a bridge that connects us to the architectural evolution that has taken place throughout the years.
In conclusion, these mysterious holes in front porch walls may seem insignificant, but they are much more than meets the eye. They embody architectural ingenuity and serve multiple purposes, from drainage and mail delivery to ventilation and aesthetic appeal. Next time you pass by a front porch with these holes, take a moment to appreciate the hidden stories and functions behind them. It’s a reminder of how even the smallest details can have a significant impact.
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