He lived on the margins and ate food from dumpsters – yet he managed to become an iconic actor and a father of 4 heirs

Life hasn’t been easy for Michael J. Fox of late.

The much-loved actor has been locked in a battle with Parkinson’s disease for many decades now, and as one can imagine, that’s not a fight that gets easier with time.

But did you know that Michael’s childhood was quite tough – and he faced significant challenges when trying to break through in Hollywood.

Overall, Michael J. Fox’s life has been a great success – even though his Parkinson’s Disease has taken its toll on him.

First of all, Michael’s upbringing was pretty unusual.

Born on June 9, 1961, in Edmonton, Canada, he grew up with a father who worked in the Canadian Armed Forces, and therefore, the family moved around a lot.

Michael’s mom was a payroll clerk, so she had a steady job – but Michael grew upp in a typical blue-collar home. Finally, the family settled in Burnaby, British Columbia, and Michael J. Fox found his passion for acting in junior high.

He joined the Drama division at school, and it was evident he was a talented actor. Per his website, his theater teacher encouraged him to audition for a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation series, Leo & Me, and Fox got the part.

He got several roles on television and, at the same time, worked at the local theater in Vancouver. Michael J. Fox had decided that acting was his call in life at that point. At the age of 17, he packed his bags to pursue an acting career in Los Angeles.

“I knew that if I wanted to be someone, I couldn’t just sit on my parents’ porch and think, ‘Boy, if I was only born in the States and my parents had money and weren’t living paycheck to paycheck, I could do something with my life,’” he said.

Fox dropped out of high school, and his parents always supported his big dreams. His father even drove him all the way to Los Angeles. Speaking on LIVE with Kelly and Mark recently, Fox said he still doesn’t know how he convinced his father to do it.

Instagram / Michael J Fox

“I told him that I wanted to go to Los Angeles, I knew I wanted to go to the United States, I knew I wanted to be an actor. My father, I know, thought I was a hippie. He looked me in the eyes and said, ‘If you want to be a lumberjack, you might as well go to the forest.’ So he got me in the car and drove me to California,” Michael J. Fox recalled.

Making it big in Tinseltown, though, was easier said than done. Michael didn’t have the best starting point; he came from a working-class family and didn’t have much wealth to his name.

“I was living on the margins. I was 18 years old, with no money, no connections, literally dumpster diving for food,” he told Variety in 2023.

Fox fulfilled his dream of becoming an actor, and after only a few years, he got one of his most memorable roles. He was cast as Alex P. Keaton on the comedy series Family Ties, which became one of the biggest comedy series on television.

Not long afterward, he landed other parts, including his legendary role as Marty McFly in Back to the Future.

In 2022, he revealed his mother never supported him taking on the role in Back to the Future. And it seems like she had good reason not to support it either.

When he got the role, he was already working during the day on Family Ties. He revealed when he told his mother about the role in the movie, she advised against it. The actor recalled their exchange, “I was 23 years old, and I called her, she was in Canada, and I said, ‘They want me to do this Steven Spielberg movie, but I have to do it at night and I have to do Family Ties in the daytime.’ And she said, ‘You’ll be too tired.’”

But he went on to admit that his mother might have been right, he said, “I live for this kind of tired. It’ll be okay,” he had said to his mom, “To this day — well, till two weeks ago — my mother thought it was a really bad idea for me to do Back to the Future. She loved the movie, [but she was right], I got tired.”

On the set of Family Ties, he met Tracy Pollan. They were cast as each other’s love interests on the show. Sparks were only on-screen at the time, but a few years later, they’d reunite and fall in love.

Even so, Michael J. Fox already had a crush on Tracy while working on Family Ties.

“I developed a crush on her right away. When she left the show – the day she left the show, we were in the parking lot getting into our respective cars. She was getting into a rented Volkswagen, and I was getting into my Ferrari. And she called me over and said she wanted to play me a song. She played me a James Taylor song called That’s Why I’m Here, which was ostensibly about John Belushi. And one of the lines was, ‘John’s gone, found dead, died high. He’s brown bread, later said to have drowned in his bed. After the laughter, the wave of dread, it hits us like a ton of lead. That’s why we’re here,’” Fox recalled in an interview with NPR.

Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan tied the knot in 1988. They welcomed four children: Sam Michael Fox (born in 1989), twins Schuyler Frances and Aquinnah Kathleen (1995), and Esmé Annabelle (2001).

By the way, did you know that Michael Fox didn’t initially have the “J” in his name? Once in Hollywood, he attempted to join the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the labor union for film and television workers worldwide. However, when applying, he saw that there was another member named “Michael Fox.” Therefore, Fox added a middle initial to his name, choosing “J” as an homage to his favorite actor, Michael J. Pollard.

Michael J. Fox, holding hands with his wife, Tracy Pollan, and his son, Sam, at the Kids for Kids benefit. (Photo by Mitchell Gerber/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images)

Michael J. Fox officially retired from acting in 2020 at 60 years old and having just starred as Louis Canning in CBS’s legal drama “The Good Fight”, a spin-off to “The Good Wife” where his character first appeared.

“I reached the point where I couldn’t rely on my ability to speak on any given day, which meant I couldn’t act comfortably at all anymore. So, last year I gave it up,” he said of his decision to retire, as per Good Morning America.

When Fox was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease he reportedly started drinking heavily. Thankfully, he stopped, sought help and was brave enough to disclose his condition in 1998. Since then he has been a strong advocate and inspiration to those battling with the disease.

Since 2000, the Michael J. Fox Foundation has raised more than $750 million to help find a cure for Parkinson’s.

Michael J. Fox attends red carpet for the Tribeca Talks – Storytellers – 2019 Tribeca Film Festival at BMCC Tribeca PAC on April 30, 2019 in New York City.

Michael J. Fox’s life is a testament to the power of perseverance and resilience.

Despite hailing from a humble working-class background and facing numerous obstacles along the way, Fox rose to become an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. His story reminds us that with determination, hard work, and unwavering passion for our dreams, we can overcome any challenge.

So let’s celebrate Michael J. Fox not only for his remarkable talents but also for his inspiring journey that continues to inspire countless individuals worldwide.


John and Mary were a conservative couple who strongly believed that boys were more important than girls. They had two kids—Junior, their son, and Lydia, their daughter. From the start, they treated Junior as the favorite, giving him more attention and love while ignoring Lydia.

Everyone in their neighborhood knew about John and Mary’s old-fashioned views. They openly favored Junior, thinking that as the son, he deserved everything. Lydia, on the other hand, was often overlooked and made to feel unimportant.

As Lydia grew older, she became tired of being treated this way. Eventually, she decided to leave home to live her own life, away from her parents’ favoritism.

Meanwhile, Junior grew up spoiled and entitled. Since he had always been given whatever he wanted, he didn’t learn responsibility or respect. Over time, he became a burden to John and Mary. He was always in trouble, making their lives difficult.

In the end, the couple realized their mistake. They had pushed away their daughter, who could have brought joy to their lives, and now, they were stuck dealing with the consequences of spoiling their son. Karma had finally caught up to them.


Lydia often felt like she was invisible to her parents, only noticed when chores needed to be done. While Junior was showered with love, gifts, and attention, Lydia’s needs were often dismissed. One day, she approached her mother with a simple request.

“Mom, my last pair of good pants just got ripped,” Lydia said hesitantly. “Can I have some money to buy a new pair?”

Her mother barely looked up. “No, you can’t,” she replied curtly. “We just bought your brother a new PlayStation console, and it wasn’t cheap. You’ll have to make do with what you have for now.”

Lydia stood there in silence, hurt and frustrated. This wasn’t the first time her needs were pushed aside for Junior’s luxuries, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last. While her brother received expensive gifts, she couldn’t even get a basic necessity like clothes. It was clear to Lydia that, in her parents’ eyes, her brother’s happiness mattered more than hers.


As Lydia grew older, her situation only worsened. That same day, her mother handed her a pair of scissors and instructed her to cut off her pants at the knees to hide the tear. “There,” her mother said, satisfied with the quick fix. “Now no one will know.”

This moment was just another reminder of how little her needs mattered in the household. Over time, her brother Junior received even more attention, privileges, and gifts, while Lydia was still expected to do all the chores around the house. She became the family’s housemaid, responsible for cleaning up after everyone and ensuring things ran smoothly.

Junior noticed how much power he had over their parents and quickly began to take advantage of it. He would order Lydia around, treating her like a servant. And when Lydia stood up for herself or got into an argument with him, their parents always took Junior’s side. They punished her to keep him happy, even if he was at fault.

Lydia felt trapped. She was constantly pushed aside and disrespected, but no one seemed to care. All she could do was endure, hoping for a day when things might change.


The tension between Lydia and Junior grew worse as time passed. One day, in a heated argument, Junior let slip the cruelest words Lydia had ever heard from him.

“I hate you, Lydia! It would’ve been better if I were the only child. Then Mom and Dad wouldn’t have to waste time on you!”

Lydia was hurt but refused to back down. “I wish that too, Junior! Then maybe you’d have to clean up your own mess instead of bossing me around, or better yet, let Mom and Dad do it for you!”

Her sharp reply only made Junior angrier. He stormed off, filled with even more resentment. Lydia knew that standing up for herself would always make things harder at home, but she refused to let her brother crush her spirit.

The only time she truly felt peace was during the summers when she stayed with her grandfather. Those visits were her escape from the constant fighting and unfair treatment. Her grandfather treated her with love and respect, giving her the care her parents never did. It was her only reprieve in a world where she felt invisible.


Lydia’s parents barely reacted to her decision to stay longer with her granddad. “Alright, if that’s what you want,” her dad said indifferently. It was clear they were more focused on Junior’s needs and activities, and Lydia staying away seemed to be one less thing for them to worry about.

At her grandfather’s house, Lydia found a new sense of peace and freedom. Her granddad adored her and gave her the love and attention she had always craved. He took her shopping, and for the first time in a long time, Lydia had new clothes that made her feel good about herself. It was a small but powerful gesture that showed her how much her granddad truly cared.

As the days passed, Lydia became more sure of her decision. Life with her grandfather was so much better than the life she had left behind. The thought of returning home to serve her brother and be ignored by her parents no longer appealed to her.

One day, while chatting with her granddad, Lydia made a bold choice. “Grandpa, I don’t want to go back home. I want to stay here with you.”

Her grandfather smiled warmly. “You’re always welcome here, Lydia. This is your home now if you want it to be.”

With that, Lydia finally felt the love and stability she had been missing for so long. She no longer felt like the forgotten child, and for the first time, she felt truly free.


Lydia had hoped her parents would miss her, or at least show some concern, but their enthusiasm for her staying away hurt more than she expected. Their quick agreement, especially her father’s eagerness to send over her things, made it clear how little they valued her presence.

Despite the pain, Lydia chose to focus on the positive aspects of living with her granddad. She thrived under his care, enjoying the freedom to be herself and the love he showered on her. Over time, she stopped waiting for her parents to call. When they did, the conversations were short and felt distant, more like formalities than genuine check-ins.

Their calls, once frequent, eventually dropped to just two per month. Lydia accepted the reality — her parents had always favored her brother, and that wasn’t going to change. But in her grandfather, she found the family she had always deserved, and for the first time, she felt at peace with her new life.


Lydia was heartbroken once again. Her parents had always put Junior first, and now they were denying her a place to stay because they believed in his future as a musician. “So, where am I supposed to go?” she asked, holding back tears.

“Maybe you can stay with your grandpa for a while,” her mother suggested casually. “He’s always been good to you.”

Lydia realized then that no matter how hard she tried, her parents would never prioritize her. It had always been about Junior, and it wasn’t going to change. She hung up the phone, feeling more alone than ever.

Fortunately, her grandfather welcomed her with open arms, just as he always had. He provided her with a place to stay and encouraged her to keep going. “You don’t need them, Lydia. You’ve always been strong, and you’ll make your own way in life,” he told her.

Lydia decided to focus on building her career and future, knowing that her worth wasn’t tied to her parents’ approval. Meanwhile, Junior continued to chase his dreams, with his parents backing him at every step. But fate had other plans for him.


Lydia could sense their sudden change in tone. After years of neglect, her parents were now reaching out—but only because they had heard about the inheritance.

“I’m fine, Dad,” Lydia responded, keeping her emotions in check.

“We heard about your grandpa’s passing, and we’re so sorry we couldn’t make it to the funeral,” her father said. “It must have been a tough time for you. Anyway, we also heard about the inheritance… and we were thinking it would be great if you could share some of that with your family, especially Junior. You know how much potential he has.”

Her mother chimed in, “It would really help him launch his music career. We all made sacrifices for him, Lydia, and this could be your way of helping him succeed.”

Lydia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. After all the years of neglect, they still saw her only as a way to support Junior. But this time, things were different. Lydia had finally learned to value herself, thanks to her grandfather’s love and support.

“I’m sorry, but I won’t be giving any of the money to Junior,” Lydia said firmly. “Grandpa left it to me because he believed in me, not because he wanted me to fund someone else’s dreams. I’m going to use it to build my own life.”

Her parents were taken aback. “Lydia, don’t be selfish,” her mother snapped. “Family helps family.”

Lydia took a deep breath. “Family should support each other, but you never supported me. I’ve spent enough time being ignored and overlooked. Now, it’s my turn to live for myself.”

With that, Lydia hung up, feeling a new sense of freedom. She knew she didn’t need her parents’ approval anymore. She had everything she needed to build a future on her own terms, and she knew her grandpa would be proud.


Lydia was stunned by her mother’s bluntness. After years of being overlooked and neglected, her family’s priorities were clearer than ever. They had never really cared about her—they only saw her as someone to help Junior.

“That’s why you called?” Lydia asked, her voice heavy with disbelief.

“Of course, why else would we call? You’re obviously doing fine,” her mother responded, completely unfazed.

In that moment, Lydia realized that she had been holding on to the hope that her parents would eventually see her worth. But now, it was clear they never would. They only cared about Junior’s success, not her well-being.

“No, Mom,” Lydia said firmly. “I won’t be sending any money. This is the last time you’ll treat me like this.”

Her mother huffed, “Lydia, don’t be ridiculous. Family helps each other.”

“Family *should* help each other,” Lydia replied. “But you’ve only ever helped Junior. I’m done being ignored.”

With that, Lydia hung up the phone and made the decision to cut ties with her family. She moved on with her life, determined to build her future on her own terms, free from the toxic expectations that had weighed her down for so long. It was a difficult choice, but it was the only way she could truly live for herself.


Years after severing ties with her family, Lydia received a surprising call from her parents. They wanted to apologize for the way they had treated her, but Lydia was wary. She suspected there was more to their message.

“Why have you really reached out to me?” Lydia asked, her voice calm but firm.

Her mother’s voice trembled with desperation. “Your brother stole a huge amount of money from the family safe and has disappeared. We are penniless and we need your help!”

Lydia felt a mix of emotions—anger, sadness, and a touch of sympathy. Despite the pain and resentment she had felt over the years, she chose to extend a gesture of forgiveness.

“I’ll send you some money to help you get back on your feet,” Lydia said. “But I need you to understand this: I’m not coming to your aid again. You need to learn from this. I forgive you, but I won’t forget how you treated me.”

Her parents thanked her profusely, but Lydia knew the forgiveness was as much for her own peace of mind as it was for them. She hoped this would be a lesson for them, and she moved forward, determined to maintain her boundaries while continuing to build a life she was proud of.


Never play favorites with your children. John and Mary chose to favor their son, Junior, while neglecting their daughter, Lydia. This favoritism led to Junior becoming spoiled and selfish, eventually causing his parents a great deal of pain.

Forgiveness isn’t easy, but it’s important. Lydia could have left her parents struggling for all the years they ignored her, but she chose to forgive them and help them financially. By taking the higher road, she maintained her own peace of mind and gave her parents a chance to realize their mistakes. Forgiveness can make a big difference.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and offer a little inspiration.

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