A homeless man found $10,000 that someone had lost and decided to return it to the owner. As a thank-you, he received a reward that he will always remember.

Roberta Hoskie, a successful real estate agent, accidentally dropped a $10,000 check while she was busy working in town. She was carrying so many things that the check slipped out of her hands onto the street.

Later, a homeless man named Elmer Alvarez called Roberta. He had found the check and wanted to return it because he felt it was the right thing to do. Elmer even took the time to search for Roberta’s business name so he could find her phone number.

Roberta was touched by Elmer’s honesty and kindness, reminding her that there are still good-hearted people in the world. She knew she couldn’t let his kindness go unnoticed.

Elmer and Roberta met on a street corner, where Elmer handed back the check to its owner. As Roberta thanked him for his kindness, she discovered the truth—Elmer was homeless, living on the cold streets of Connecticut, one of the coldest places in the U.S. If anyone needed money, it was him.

To show her gratitude, Roberta gave Elmer a check as a reward for his good deed. But that wasn’t the end of it.

Roberta made sure Elmer would have a guaranteed spot in her upcoming real estate training program. She promised to cover the full cost of the course and pay for the English lessons he needed.

But that wasn’t everything!

“He has no idea what’s coming,” Roberta said a few days later, just before she surprised Elmer with a life-changing gift he never expected.

Watch the video below to see how Elmer’s simple act of kindness led to something truly amazing and heartwarming.

Sometimes, it’s those who have the least who give the most, and Elmer is a perfect example of that. Luckily, Elmer’s decision to return the check brought him more than he ever expected.

Getting his own home will completely change his life and give him a fresh start.

The world can often feel harsh and selfish, but this story is a reminder that there are still good people out there! Share it to spread some positivity!

Athlete’s Sweet Treat Turns Deadly: What Really Happened at Thanksgiving

It was Thanksgiving in Maine, and 11-year-old Oakley Debbs was on vacation with his family. Oakley, a top student from West Palm Beach, Florida, was also a star athlete, even though he had asthma and food allergies.

For the holiday, his family had ordered a Thanksgiving basket full of treats. Oakley chose to have a piece of cake from the basket.

Tragically, something went wrong after he ate the cake, leading to a heartbreaking event. His family and friends are now working to raise awareness and prevent similar incidents from happening to others.

Despite his asthma and nut allergies, Oakley loved playing tennis, football, soccer, and even running marathons. His family remembers him as a “brave and strong warrior” who fought hard against his conditions.

On November 24, Oakley Debbs, an 11-year-old, had a piece of pound cake that was left on the kitchen table where his family was staying in Maine. His mom, Merrill Debbs, said Oakley always checked labels to avoid nuts and didn’t see any warnings.

“He thought it was just a piece of cake,” his dad, Robert Debbs, explained. “But after he ate it, he mentioned it might have nuts.” Merrill agreed the cake had a nutty taste, which turned out to be walnut.

Merrill gave Oakley Benadryl, as they usually did for allergic reactions, and he said he felt fine. At that point, he only had a small hive on his lip.

But soon after, Oakley complained of chest pain and started vomiting. His parents called 911, but by the time the ambulance arrived ten minutes later, Oakley was blue. His airway had closed, and his heart had stopped.

I’m writing on behalf of Robert J. Debbs, Merrill Debbs, and Oakley’s twin sister, Olivia. It is with a heavy heart that I…

Posted by Tyler Debbs Squire on Saturday, November 26, 2016

The family struggled to accept Oakley’s tragic death and understand why he couldn’t be saved.

“I don’t think my beautiful, amazing son should have passed away,” Merrill said.

In response, the family started the Red Sneaker Foundation to teach people about anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. They chose red sneakers as a symbol because Oakley loved them, hoping to increase awareness about food allergies.

Posted by Red Sneakers For Oakley on Thursday, December 1, 2016

Experts recommend using epinephrine for even mild allergic reactions. Merrill said, “Oakley was a rock star, a good kid. I always knew he’d make a difference—just not after he passed away. That’s a big part of why we’re doing this.”

Please share this story to help raise awareness about food allergies and prevent future tragedies.

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