Homeless lady given free ‘ugly’ abandoned trailer, but wait till you see what she made of it

Homesteading is becoming the life-style many people opt for during the recent years. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and even small scale production of textiles and clothing. It also includes some craft work for household use or sale.

The reason why this life-style is gaining more and more popularity is that is helps people to maintain a certain standard of living that doesn’t require too much finances.

One person who got devoted to homesteading is Mama V. This woman got tired of the busy life at the city and as she has always had this dream of building a cottage for herself in the isolated woods, she eventually left the metropolitan life behind and moved into an old mini-school bus.

The mini-school bus seemed like the perfect home at first, but since she had her cats and dogs with her, the place was a bit crowded so she started considering getting an additional room, which wasn’t an easy thing to plan or construct. On top of that, she didn’t really have the finances for such a project.

But then, one of her neighbors invited her over and offered her his old and abandoned trailer that stood in his yard for many years.

He wanted to get rid of it, but since Mama V liked it and got ecstatic about it, he gave it to her for free.

“She’s ugly, but she’s mine!” Mama V said of her trailer.

In order to be able to renovate the trailer she was forced to sell her bus. She was aware that turning that old trailer into a home would take a lot of time and energy, but she was ready to give the project a go.

Mama V, however, couldn’t do it herself so she asked her two pals, Jayme and Kevin, to assist her.

The trailer, although very dirty and in need of some repairs, was structurally good and leak-free. On top of that, it already had a functioning microwave oven/stove combo, and refrigerator.

After a long day of cleaning, Mama V’s friends left and let her enjoy her new piece of heaven.

Among the rest, the trailer contained two full propane tanks, a pull-out couch, a full kitchen, two twin beds, a bathroom with a shower and bathtub, a panel that kept track of utility usage, and a lot of storage.

Once she settles in, Mama V would start her own garden and a life she has always dreamed of.

She’s glad that she and her pets would have a place to call home and that she’s surrounded by great neighbors who help her with whatever she needs as she embarks on this new adventure.

Handling Health Concerns: The Smith Family’s Path to Well-Being

Several members of the Smith family, including the well-known Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, their children Jaden and Willow, and Jada’s mother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, recently appeared on “Red Table Talk” to talk about some health problems they’ve been experiencing. Their earnest discussion highlights the importance of health and wellbeing, a matter that concerns all of us.

Prioritizing Jaden’s well-being

In the episode, 21-year-old Jaden discussed his severe gastrointestinal issues. Even though he experienced criticism for adopting a vegan diet, he stressed the value of prioritizing his health over all other considerations. Jaden’s bravery in revealing his issues can serve as inspiration for anyone who is hesitant to ask for help because they are worried about what other people will think.

Nutritional Adjustments for Optimal Well-Being

To address Jaden’s health concerns, the family consulted renowned physicians Dr. Mark Hyman and nutritionist Mona Sharma. Dr. Hyman concluded that Jaden’s issues stemmed from consuming the wrong foods. He prescribed specific dietary changes and supplements to address any deficiencies.

When it was discovered that dairy and gluten were aggravating Jaden’s illness, they moved to get them out of his diet. Considering his vegetarian diet, it also became imperative to address his vitamin and omega-3 deficiencies. Jaden felt confident that adhering to these dietary adjustments would significantly improve his health and allow him to continue inspiring others.

An Unsettling Incident and the Need for Modifications

Jaden’s severe diet from September produced unsettling outcomes. He freely admitted to being under the weather, which was evident. When he was admitted to the hospital in Australia due to nausea and vertigo, his family was quite worried and acted immediately.

Motivating Route to Health

The Smiths have never held back when discussing their struggles with both mental and physical health. Will recently shared his experience getting a colonoscopy, which was a big deal for him. During the procedure, a polyp was discovered and removed, underscoring the significance of regular medical examinations.

Will emphasized that there are invaluable long-term benefits to leading a healthier lifestyle, even though it could be challenging at first. By sharing their personal stories, they hope to encourage others to take charge of their health and to extend life and promote well-being.

The Smith family’s candid discussion on “Red Table Talk” reveals their proactive approach to dealing with health-related concerns. They want to inspire everyone to prioritize their health and live long, healthy lives by being open and sharing their road to wellbeing.

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