A couple wagers: No eating out, no cheat meals, and no alcohol. This is how they look one year later

Lexi and Danny Reed, once a typical couple with ordinary aspirations, faced a significant obstacle to living life to the fullest: both were grappling with excess weight. On their wedding day, Lexi carried a burden of 480 pounds, while Danny tipped the scales at 279 pounds. The challenges imposed by their weight hindered social interactions and curtailed their engagement in various activities.

Their journey began as friends for ten years until the realization of true love prompted them to tie the knot. Danny’s remarkable quality was his unwavering acceptance of Lexi, irrespective of her appearance. Lexi expressed on Instagram: “He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel anything other than beautiful”.

Despite Danny’s own struggles with an unhealthy lifestyle, the couple found themselves spiraling down together over time. Lexi, an emotional eater, marked her 25th birthday at 392 pounds, while Danny, two years her senior, weighed 280 pounds. Recognizing the problem, they acknowledged the need for change.

Residing in Terre Haute, Indiana, the couple knew adjustments were necessary but hesitated due to fear. Lexi admitted: “We easily consumed 4,000 calories per day”, with a diet consisting mainly of fried or fast food. The turning point came when Lexi was denied entry to a roller coaster at an amusement park due to her weight. This embarrassing moment in January 2016 prompted them to take action.

Embarking on a weight-loss journey, they faced the challenge of transforming their shared passion for food. Lexi initiated the “Fat Girl Fed Up” Instagram account, sharing their progress to inspire others. With determination and mutual support, they addressed their health concerns and the desire to start a family.

Lexi shed approximately 240 pounds, while Danny lost 70 pounds. Incorporating gym sessions into their routine, Lexi found solace in a supportive environment, facilitating her weight loss. Setting rules like no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week, they committed to a healthier lifestyle.

A bet with friends led to a 30-day challenge without fast food, kickstarting significant progress. Organizing meals and cooking together became a regular part of their healthier mindset. Lexi’s present lifestyle reflects her new habits, garnering support from friends and Instagram followers. The transformation is drastic, and their happiness is evident.

Lexi’s weight loss journey gained traction on Instagram, amassing over 1.2 million followers in 2021. Featured on television shows, they’ve maintained humility amid celebrity, recognizing the ongoing need to uphold positive behaviors. Lexi emphasizes the significance of non-scale victories and the freedom she now experiences in her body.

Despite their achievements, Lexi and Danny continue their hard work, inspiring others with their incredible journey. Lexi encourages small changes for big results and stresses the importance of focusing on each day. The couple’s remarkable transformation serves as a beacon of motivation, demonstrating the profound impact of determination and hard work on achieving one’s goals.

Woman Turns Boeing Plane Into Fully Functional Home

Buses, small houses, and shipping containers have all seen a surge in appeal as potential building materials for one-of-a-kind dwellings.

These alternatives to standard lodgings offer the same level of comfort at a fraction of the price and with a wide range of personalization options.

But Jo Ann Ussery made her own unique house long before it was cool.

She bought a decommissioned Boeing 727 and transformed it into a lavish mansion.

(video of the plane can be found below)

One-of-a-kind housing

In 1993, Ussery’s home in Benoit, Mississippi was destroyed, marking the beginning of her journey.

Her husband had recently passed away, so she and her two kids needed a place to live but had very little money.

She had hoped that getting a trailer would solve all of her issues, but she soon discovered that she couldn’t afford a house that was big enough to accommodate her family of three.

Ussery’s brother-in-law, Bob, is an air traffic controller and proposed that they try living on an airplane.

Ussery was receptive to the concept, so he went to examine a Boeing 727 that was about to be broken up for parts.

She fell in love at first sight, and the price, including shipping, was only $2,000.

Ussery gave her Boeing 727 the moniker “Little Trump” after learning that Donald Trump also had a private Boeing 727.

She jumped right into her expensive and time-consuming home improvements.

Major refurbishment

She put in less than $30,000 (around $60,000 in today’s money) on the makeover.

She needed to make sure it stayed put in its current location while she worked on the inside.

Ussery made use of the lake that was already present on her property by parking the plane such that the nose pointed out over the water. Because of this particular reason, a substantial amount of concrete was used to secure the tail. She then started demolishing the nearly 1,500 square foot interior.

The plane measures 138 feet in length and has 76 windows.

The windows did not open, as is standard on commercial planes, but that was not a problem on the Ussery because the plane was equipped with air conditioning.

She upgraded the insulation and laid new flooring as well. What exactly from the original 727 has been preserved?

Having only one airplane lavatory and the overhead bins to store your belongings is a brilliant answer to the problem of limited space.

Interior features

Ussery was able to move on to the finer touches and extra comforts after the major renovations were finished.

There were three bedrooms, a living area, a kitchen, and even a laundry room in the updated plane.

It also had an oven and a phone in addition to the washer and dryer.

What Ussery did with the cockpit looking out over the lake was unquestionably the best improvement.

She renovated it into a master bathroom fit for a king, complete with a soaking tub.

She planned the room’s layout so that its occupants would feel as though they were floating in midair.

Most notably, Ussery did all the remodeling work by herself.

Between 1995 until 1999, she called her converted jet home before deciding to open it to the world as a museum.

It was being transported a short distance when it tragically fell off the carriage and was destroyed.

It’s a good thing we have these breathtaking snapshots below:


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