Father Who Was Covered In Tattoos Shares His Shocking Transformation Story After Painful Surgeries to Remove Them

Older generations used to warn that people shouldn’t get tattoos because they’re permanent and someone may one day regret getting them. However, these days tattoo removal is an option. Although painful, it works after a few sessions but can leave behind some scarring. Either way, 35-year-old Leandro De Souza has decided to undergo laser treatments to remove almost 2 decades worth of ink.

A man covered in tattoos wearing a lakers hat and headphones.

Leandro De Souza is a native of Brazil and a proud father. However, his divorce almost a decade ago proved to be almost more than he could handle. As a result, De Souza went down a path of partying. During this time he accumulated more than 170 tattoos but his first ink was at just 13 years old. “I did the first one when I was 13,” De Souza explained. “The first ones were very much about the idolatry of the time.” However, he’s recently set out on a religious path of Evangelicalism. As a result, he’s decided to undergo the laser tattoo removal process.

Facing Heartbreak

Close up of a man covered in tattoos, wearing a peach/pink shirt. White background.
Image Credit: leandrodesouzabless | Instagram

Leandro’s first tattoos were inspired by his favorite bands, such as Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses, and Metallica. However, the majority of his tattoos were from a decade-long binge following his divorce. During that time, Leandro admittedly experimented with drugs like LSD, alcohol, and ecstasy.

Finding Motivation for Tattoo Removal

An image of a man before his laser tattoo removal.
Image Credit: leandrodesouzabless | Instagram

I couldn’t stand the life I was living anymore. I was an attraction at (events I attended) and it felt like a circus animal.” He said regarding his decision for tattoo removal. De Souza was visiting a shelter almost a decade after his difficult divorce. This visit would change the course of his life. “The first step in everything in life is to accept that you can’t do it alone, that you are an addict, that you are a drug addict,” de Souza said. “And I managed to do that, I entered the municipal shelter in Bagé. Within a week, there was a lady who referred me and started to evangelize me.

Turning a New Leaf

A man showing his tattoo removal progress.
Image Credit: leandrodesouzabless | Instagram

It’s been 2 years since De Souza changed his life and opted for tattoo removal. However, it’s a long process that will be more so for De Souza’s 170 tattoos. Moreover, he now spends his time speaking with “parents and children in homes that are in prisons.”

Leandro began the tattoo removal process with the help of a tattoo studio in Franco da Rocha, São Paulo, which heard about the exciting changes Leandro was making to turn his life around. He’s now been clean from alcohol for 3 years, and free of tobacco and other substances for a year. De Souza still has 6 more tattoo removal sessions before his ink is gone and his transformation, so far, is astonishing and awe-inspiring.

Tattoo Removal is a Modern Possibility

A man showing his tattoo removal progress.
Image Credit: leandrodesouzabless | Instagram

For many, getting a tattoo is inspired by the desire to express one’s creativity, treating their body like a canvas. However, others may regret their ink choices as they mature or their interests and relationship status change. Fortunately, tattoo removal is possible with advancing technology but there are a few side effects like tenderness, skin irritability, and even scarring.

Tattoo Removal Methods

A man showing the progress of his tattoo removal. Public transport in the background.
Image Credit: leandrodesouzabless | Instagram

Interestingly, tattoo removal comes with options. De Souza’s treatment, laser tattoo removal, uses lasers to “heat the ink particles,” breaking them down and making it “easier for your immune system to remove,” according to Cleveland Clinic. Laser tattoo removal sessions are scheduled about 3 months apart and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the size of the ink. This method does come with side effects that range from mild skin irritation to painful blisters, but each person responds differently to treatment.

Skin Removal for Tattoo Removal

Beautician performing laser tattoo removal: professional cosmetic procedure
Source: Shutterstock

Another option for tattoo removal is surgical excision. The medical procedure requires a surgeon, who will “cut out the skin that contains a tattoo.” Then they will “stitch your remaining skin together.” The procedure probably sounds intimidating but it’s only used for small tattoos, as cutting an entire back tattoo and then stitching it up would be unpleasant, dangerous, and seemingly impossible.

Meanwhile, dermabrasion and chemical peels are used to remove the outer layers of skin. Unfortunately, both can cause severe skin sensitivity, especially in sunlight. Therefore, understanding the risks and how to treat the skin properly as it heals is essential to your skin’s health and physical comfort.

Woman before and after laser tattoo removal procedures, closeup. Collage with photos, banner design
Source: Shutterstock

Lastly, and possibly least popular and effective, are tattoo removal creams. They can be used at home and often take months or years to yield results. Furthermore, they contain acids that “irritate or damage your skin.” As such, they’re usually advised against by medical professionals.

Can Anyone Get Tattoo Removal

Side by side images of a red and black tattoo.
Image Credit: Tatt2away

In short, yes. However, some things are worth noting when considering tattoo removal. Firstly, tattoo removal takes time and similar or repetitive steps to be effective, regardless of your chosen tattoo removal method. The reason for this is that a tattoo artist applies ink in layers of the skin, so layers have to be broken down which can’t happen in one sitting, otherwise you’ll suffer severe and irreversible skin damage. Ultimately, that would put your overall health and immunity at risk. Additionally, your skin needs time between sessions to “flush out the ink” so, it’s recommended to wait a few weeks or months between most tattoo removal options listed above.

Secondly, certain ink colors are easier to remove than others. For example, blue and black are easy to remove during laser tattoo removal because “they’re better at absorbing light.” Meanwhile, colors like red are difficult to remove because their “molecular composition” is more resistant to the treatment options.

An Alternative

Cropped close up of a bearded tattoo artist working at his studio tattooing sleeve on the arm of his male client. Man getting tattooed by professional tattooist
Source: Shutterstock

Consider having them turned into something else, rather than removed. For instance, if you’re considering tattoo removal and the reason has nothing to do with necessity, for work, or because, like De Souza, you’re on a new path. Instead, you don’t like how it looks anymore, have separated from the person who inspired the tattoo, or have other interests. In this case, you might consider another visit to the tattoo shop to have them create something else by covering the existing tattoo. For many, this option may be more satisfying and less time-consuming.

Dog Stuck In A Manhole – He Was Whimpering So Hard But People Just Passed By Until A Girl Saw Him

They told us that they had seen the dog steal food from a nearby shop, and the owner of the store and raised had pushed the dog into the sewer.

Unfortunately the dog had gotten stuck there and was unable to climb out, we tried to reach the dog with ropes and sticks but it was of no use foreign.

Was too deep and the dog was too frightened to come towards us, we could hear it whimpering From Below and our hearts broke for the helpless animal after several attempts we knew that we needed more

They’re huddled in the corner was a frightened dog it was shaking uncontrollably and its eyes. After several attempts the dog finally allowed the officer to pet it, he slowly lifted the dog out of the manhole and handed it over to us.

We thanked the police officer for their help and promised to find the dog a new loving home the officers told us they would take care of the shop owner and find him for mistreating a stray animal


A Mother Dog’s Heroic Act To Safeguard Her Puppies From A Falling Tree

Wheп it comeѕ to the pгofouпd foгce of motheгly love, oпe caппot deпy the leпgthѕ to which a motheг will go to pгotect heг offѕpгiпg.

Thiѕ tгuth iѕ paгticulaгly evideпt iп the aпimal kiпgdom, wheгe mateгпal iпѕtiпctѕ aгe paгamouпt foг ѕuгvival. A poigпaпt illuѕtгatioп of thiѕ devotioп caп be fouпd iп the accouпt of a motheг dog who made the ultimate ѕacгifice to ѕafeguaгd heг youпg iп the face of aп obѕtacle.

Aѕ the youпg pup giпgeгly made itѕ way acгoѕѕ itѕ motheг’ѕ back, the buгdeп became too much foг heг to beaг, гeпdeгiпg heг uпable to гiѕe agaiп. Deѕpite heг evideпt paiп aпd diѕcomfoгt, the motheг dog maiпtaiпed heг poѕitioп uпtil help aггived. Heг ѕelfleѕѕ act of love had pгeѕeгved heг puppy’ѕ life but had exacted a ѕubѕtaпtial toll oп heг owп well-beiпg.

Thiѕ tale ѕeгveѕ aѕ a teѕtameпt to the iпdomitable poweг of mateгпal love aпd the extгaoгdiпaгy leпgthѕ to which a motheг will go to ѕhield heг offѕpгiпg. It ѕeгveѕ aѕ a poigпaпt гemiпdeг that love tгaпѕceпdѕ bouпdaгieѕ, aпd the boпd betweeп a motheг aпd heг child iѕ uпbгeakable. The motheг dog’ѕ ѕacгifice exemplifieѕ the uпwaveгiпg love that exiѕtѕ withiп the mateгпal boпd.


A Dog Fights A Massive Tumor, With The Vet Recommending Leg Amputation For Treatment

Rescuers in Thailand’s Phetchabun Province saw a sad homeless dog with a big tumor straining to move in agony.

She’d been suffering from this tumor for so long that no one would help her when it got too big.

It took nearly 6 hours for rescuers to bring her 455.5 kilometers from Phetchabun province to Pattaya for treatment.

A bad growth on her abdomen devastated her miserable life, and she ended up living on the streets without food.

Even though the wounds are dry, she is doing significantly better one month after a successful operation and tumor removal.

She’s starting to walk again and getting to know her three legs…


Heartbreaking! The dog was attacked by thousands of parasites in the mouth, unable to eat or drink for many days

It’s upsetting to read about a dog being hurt by parasites, especially when it affects their ability to eat and drink. This is a common problem in many dogs, especially if they have not had adequate preventative care.

Hundreds of parasites attacking a dog’s mouth might cause рai and discomfort. These parasites can cause inflammation and infection, making it difficult for the dog to swallow or even open his mouth. In some situations, the parasites might also cause bleeding, which can complicate matters further.

If a dog cannot eat or drink for several days, it may develop an eo problem. Dogs require regular access to food and water in order to stay healthy, and prolonged starvation or dehydration can lead to a variety of health concerns. If the dog is not treated, it will become weak and malnourished, making it more difficult to battle parasites and other ailments.

If you feel your dog has a parasite infection, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible. A veterinarian can do a thorough examination and offer the necessary therapy to restore your dog’s health.

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