A 13-year-old builds his own mini-house in his backyard, look inside and be impressed

Most middle schoolers probably have other things on their minds besides building houses.

But Luke Thill, a 13-year-old from Dubuque, Iowa, is unlike any other middle schooler you’ve seen before.

This talented and proactive boy has crafted his very own little house — in his parent’s backyard.

The project cost him roughly $1,500 USD — and now Luke is living his dream in his little cottage.

Come on in and have a look at what it looks like inside.

I think it’s safe to say that Luke is not like many of his 13-year-old peers. In a time of iPads, smartphones, gadgets, and X-Boxes, this young man decided to keep himself busy in a different and more ‘old-fashioned’ way. As he explains on his YouTube channel, his desire to build a small house grew out of feeling bored last summer.

After some thorough research, Luke had a pretty good idea of how he was going to put his plan into action.

The Process

It took him about a year to get the money and materials he needed to build the house. Luke mowed lawns, started a fund-raiser online, and ran errands for anyone who needed help in the neighborhood to make money.

An electrician Luke was friends with helped him install the electricity in exchange for Luke cleaning his garage out, for instance.

Luke used about 75 percent recycled material, many of which were things left over from his grandma’s house. The front door of the house was a gift from an uncle’s friend.

The 89-square-foot house is 10 feet long and 5 1/2 feet wide, with electricity but no plumbing, so no water or bathroom… yet.

“I liked the minimalism,” he told The Des Moines Register. “And I wanted to have a house without a huge mortgage.”

Luke has made several video clips and posted them online, where he talks about his project as many have grown curious about the little house.

As you can imagine, Luke also received some help from his parents, both financially and with the building itself.

But dad Greg made sure that it would be Luke himself who would pay for most of his project and also build most of it himself.

“It was a chance for a kid to do something more than play video games or sports,” Greg told The Des Moines Register. “It teaches life lessons.”

Teenager’s Dream

The house is in many ways a teenager’s dream, an oasis where you can chill and hang out in. It has a microwave, a TV, and a loft with a bed.

There’s even a barbecue and flowers at the back.

Luke usually does his homework after school at his new house and some nights during the week he gets to sleep there.

Luke already has aspirations to build another house — one that’s a little bigger for when he starts college. He also hopes to inspire others to follow their dreams:

“I want to show kids it’s possible to build at this age,” he says in one of his videos.

You can really see how proud he is about his project below.

Luke’s story is a great example of what a child can achieve with a clear goal, a strong worth ethic, and support from home.

This is the amazing tale of Amanda, an animal lover who stunned everyone with a gesture.

On a lonely road in the Evan’s Creek Mountains, a car spotted a scared dog. The dog was so hungry that he became really aggressive and would not let anyone touch him. The dog was later given the name Bear.

The motorist took some pictures of Bear and posted them to social media in an attempt to gather some help. Amanda decided to help Bear straight immediately after learning about him, postponing her plans.

Amanda and her friend Dylan started the hunt in the hopes of finding the dog, despite her family’s warnings not to go since it’s dangerous.

They found the dog after many hours of hunting, but Bear was understandably terrified and did not allow anyone to get close to him. They tried luring him with food, snacks, and a host of odd tactics, but it didn’t work. As night fell, Amanda and her friend had to head back home, but they returned the next day.

After a few more fruitless attempts, they devised a fresh plan to draw Bear when they found him in the same spot the following day. Amanda made the decision to “play it dead” by lying down on the ground in an attempt to convince the dog that she needed help.

A few hours after Amanda had lain still on the ground, an event occurred that won the hearts of innumerable animal lovers worldwide.
Bear assumed Amanda needed help and proceeded to scent her for twenty minutes before making contact. After a while the dog got bored and moved on, but Amanda persisted.


After a few moments, Bear turned and sat down by Amanda, as if trying to let her know he was with her.

A few more hours later, Amanda managed to gain Bear’s trust and persuade him that his intentions were solely focused on hers. Bear went with Amanda to the car, and they headed straight to the veterinarian.

After receiving care and treatment, Bear was chosen for adoption by a family shortly after he regained his strength. The dog now has a loving family and a dwelling of his own, so he is no longer compelled to live on the streets.

Bear’s attempt to assist Amanda while she was on the ground provides insight into the character of this magnificent canine.

Naturally, for her efforts to save Bear, Amanda deserves our deepest admiration and appreciation.


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