A woman who died and came back to life after 11 minutes has shared what she experienced during that time.

A woman named Charlotte Holmes said she spent 11 minutes in heaven after a near-death experience and shared the amazing things she saw in the afterlife.

In September 2019, Charlotte was at a routine check-up with her heart doctor when her blood pressure suddenly shot up to a dangerous 234/134. The doctors told her she might be having another stroke or a heart attack.

She was taken to the hospital while her husband, Danny, watched helplessly. He recalled the moment he thought he might lose her, saying, “Immediately, they called a code, and everyone rushed in. They started working on her, and I wondered if I would even be able to bring her home.”

As Charlotte’s condition got worse, she began to describe things she could see, like flowers. But when Danny looked around the room and realized there were no flowers, he realized something incredible. “That’s when I knew she was not in this world,” he said.

Charlotte Holmes was declared clinically dead for 11 minutes (YouTube/The 700 Club)

Charlotte’s heart had stopped, and for the next 11 minutes, she was clinically dead. But during that time, she said she was looking down at her lifeless body while watching doctors and nurses try to bring her back.

“I could smell the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever smelled, and then I heard music,” she remembered. “When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven.”

Charlotte, who lives in Wichita, Kansas, described being surrounded by incredible beauty in every direction. She watched everything sway in time with the music she could hear.

“I can’t explain what heaven looked like because it’s so much more amazing than we can imagine,” she said. Then, a group of angels led her deeper into the afterlife.

“There’s no fear, just pure joy when the angels are with you,” she continued. “I saw my mom, my dad, my sister, and other family members standing behind them.”

Write this in easy human language:
“I seen saints of old,” the mum explained. “They didn’t look old, they didn’t look sick, none of them wore glasses. They looked like they were in their 30s. Yet it says in the scriptures, ‘we will be known as we were known’.

“I knew them there in their new bodies. They looked wonderful.”

Charlotte then revealed that she saw a toddler, which left her quite confused.

She said: “I can remember thinking, ‘who is this?’ And I heard my heavenly father say to me, ‘It’s your child.’

“I lost that child. I was five-and-a-half months pregnant. I can remember them holding the baby up and saying, ‘Charlotte, it’s a boy’. Then he was gone. So when I seen this toddler, I said, ‘God, how is that possible?’

“He said, ‘They continue to grow in heaven – but there’s no time, it’s eternity’.”

Charlotte then claimed that she was taken to a place that was the complete opposite of the paradise she had just enjoyed.

“God took me to hell, and I looked down and the smell, and the rotten flesh – that’s what it smelled like…and screams,” she explained. “After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable.”

Detailing why she was taken there, Charlotte said: “And he says, ‘I show you this to tell you, if some of them do not change their ways, this is where they shall reside.’ I heard my father say, ‘You have time to go back and share’.”

She then described how she felt herself being ‘drawn back into’ her body, while Danny noticed her eye twitched.

Charlotte – who went on to make a full recovery and was released from hospital after two weeks – said: “I felt the pain, where I hadn’t felt pain, I felt the sorrow.”

Following her near-death experience, she decided to share her incredible story with others.

“People need hope,” Charlotte said. “They want to know that there really is something out there, they want to know that everything’s okay. Heaven is more than you can imagine.

“I can look you square in the eye and tell you for sure, heaven is real.”

According to The Ozark County Times, Charlotte passed away on November 28, 2023, at the age of 72 after suffering a heart attack. She was survived by her husband of 52 years and their daughter Chrystal, as well as her grandchildren.

I Tested My Middle Granddaughter’s DNA Because She Looks Different from Her Siblings

A concerned grandmother noticed her middle grandchild grew up looking different from her siblings. She decided to get her granddaughter a DNA test kit, and the results shocked her.

A woman’s grandchildren grew up on the other side of the country, so she never really got to see them grow up. The first time she met her middle grandchild, Lindsey, was when the child was already six months old.

Through the years, she noticed how different Lindsey looked compared to her siblings. It confused her that Lindsey had curly blonde hair while everybody else had dark hair.

Why Did Her Granddaughter’s Appearance Differ from Her Siblings?
The concerned grandmother shared her story on Reddit, hoping to get clarity on whether she was right to help her granddaughter get to the bottom of her heritage. Initially, she thought their family genetics were just deeper than she’d imagined, and she loved her granddaughter regardless.

One day, the woman discovered that Lindsey’s parents banned her from getting an ancestry test. The woman scolded her son and daughter-in-law for it, saying the young girl deserved to know the truth about her birth.

Ultimately, her son and daughter-in-law denied there was anything fishy regarding Lindsey’s birth. They asked the woman to leave, and that was the end of the story.

To their surprise, the DNA test results showed something fishy about her lineage.
However, now that Lindsey’s in high school, questions continue to fill her head regarding her birth. She went to her biology teacher, and the teacher told her that it was odd for her to have traits that her siblings or parents didn’t have.

What Secret Did the DNA Test Uncover?
Distressed, Lindsey ran to her grandmother, asking her to buy a DNA test. Concerned about her granddaughter, she purchased the test for her without telling her children.

Lindsey did all the work and took the DNA test after her grandmother handed it to her. To their surprise, the DNA test results showed something fishy about her lineage.

Results showed that Lindsey and her siblings didn’t share a mother. “My son got someone else pregnant and her [biological] mom gave her up,” the grandmother revealed.

The revelation wreaked havoc on the entire family. The woman’s son and daughter-in-law were furious, while Lindsey was equally mad at her parents for being lied to for fifteen years.

The woman’s children refuse to talk to her, and their non-communication has made Lindsey even more angry. While the grandmother had good intentions, she now wonders whether she was wrong for igniting this storm.

People on Reddit assured the woman that she did nothing wrong. To them, the people to blame were her son and daughter-in-law.

“There are medical reasons a person might need to know what their genetics are/are not and if you hadn’t helped her she would have found out some other way[sic],” one person argued.

“Guaranteed she was going to find this out in 3 years anyway. At least this way, she knows that someone [in] her family is more concerned about her mental health and well-being than their own,” another added.

“There are legitimate, tangible, life-&-death reasons for knowing your genetics. Lindsey absolutely deserves to know the truth. This overrides her parents’ desire to pretend everything is fine & dandy,” one shared.

People share the same sentiments that the heat wasn’t supposed to be on the grandmother but on the parents for hiding something so critical. They felt the young woman had the right to know about her own background, and her grandmother helped her uncover the truth.

Do you think the grandmother was wrong for buying the DNA test? What would you have done if you were in her situation?

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