A photograph of a black man holding a white baby has gone viral on social media. As viewers began to realize what was really happening in the snapshot, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
“So a lot of people like this picture. So I wanted to take a minute to tell the story,” Facebook user Cody Shugart captioned a snapshot of his son sitting in the lap of a black man. Shugart went on to identify the black man as Milton West, who was his childhood next door neighbor. Shugart had many a good memory with Milton West at the center.
Milton West was my childhood next door neighbor,” wrote Shugart. “I knew him as Mr. Chip. He retired from DOW chemical as an operator. He has always been there for me since I was two years old. Growing up without a father was always difficult for me. But the good lord surrounded me with great men, Mr.Chip was one of them.”
“He constantly preached the value of an education, taught me how to take care of a yard, he taught me to see people for who they are not what they look like, he taught me how to treat my mother like a saint and many other life lessons,” added Shugart. “His contributions to me becoming a good son, man, and father were huge. I am forever grateful for God putting him in my life.”
“Everyday, I read something negative and how race relations are worse than ever. I disagree, and I hope this is a positive loving message to many people. This is just one story in little ol Victoria, Texas. I’m sure there are millions of similar stories across the United States,” he concluded.

Automaker Suffers Major Losses of Billions Due to Electric Vehicle Investments in 2023.
As the push for electric vehicles persists despite public reluctance, the once-promising solution for environmental concerns is revealing significant drawbacks. Issues like inadequate charging infrastructure, limited range, battery problems, high repair costs, and supply chain disruptions have plagued the industry.
Despite these challenges, proponents like Joe Biden continue to advocate for electric vehicles. However, the lack of consumer interest has led to substantial financial losses for manufacturers. Ford Motor Company, for instance, reported a staggering $4.7 billion loss in 2023 from its electric vehicle product line, exceeding earlier projections.
The company attributed the losses primarily to intense competition driving down prices. With Ford selling around 72,608 electric vehicles in the year, the losses translate to roughly $65,000 per vehicle sold, an unsustainable business model. Moreover, Ford anticipates further losses, projecting up to $5.5 billion for 2024, particularly concerning in an election year.
Despite Chief Financial Officer John Lawler’s optimistic remarks about future profitability and customer adoption, the reality suggests otherwise. Ford’s flagship electric vehicle, the F-150 Lightning pickup, saw diminished demand, leading to production cuts. This setback is notable, especially as Biden’s administration aimed for 50% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030.
Watch Biden test drive the Ford Lightning pickup here:
General Motors has also dialed back production and tempered expectations, posting a $1.7 billion loss on electric vehicles in just the fourth quarter of 2023. Ford went on to state: “We said yesterday that we will launch our second-generation EVs when they can be profitable and deliver the kind of returns we want, and we will build a stand-alone profitable EV business. Meantime, we’re improving the contribution margin of our first-generation EVs.”
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