Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has continually called for officials in her state to launch a criminaI probe into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis as allegations of corruption have surfaced.
Greene has specifically pushed for Georgia Gov. Kemp to investigate Willis, claiming he has the ultimate authority to lead such an initiative.
However, Kemp recently dismissed MTG’s request for a criminaI probe, directing the congresswoman to file a complaint with Georgia’s oversight committee. The American Tribune covered the news, reporting on the comments from a spokesperson of Gov. Kemp.
The Congresswoman has every right to refer her complaint to the oversight commission once the legislative process concludes this session and the commission begins full operations.
Just last year, the Georgia General Assembly Iaid out a specific oversight process for district attorneys that is transparent and unbiased, which the governor supported and signed into law, the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson continued, “These allegations are deeply troubling and evidence should be presented quickly. Georgians must have confidence in our legal system and its procedures, and these allegations — in addition to the Iack of direct response from District Attorney Willis — jeopardize that confidence.”

At 13 years old, he. How does he appear now, 12 years later?
The world was shocked to learn that a boy, 13, and a girl, 15, had became parents at such a young age. We’ll let you know later how their lives turned out.

The parents of the future father were inconsolable. The guys were broadcast on television before their daughter was born. Alfie handled the young child with the poise of a grown man. A DNA test was compelled by the young father’s parents, and the results showed that the child was not his. Alfie became depressed when the young mother and child left town after journalists refused to give the couple a pass.

Twelve years later, the girl had another kid by a different man. Alfie, on the other hand, had never experienced love, other from his alcoholism. The man also has 12 offenses, and an inquiry is ongoing.

Is it acceptable or inappropriate to have children at that age?
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