‘Families don’t have to match’ – Black couple share their journey to adopting three white children

Sadie and Jarvis Sampson tried everything for years to get pregnant, and eventually they accepted that they would only ever be aunt and uncle. Then, one day, they received a text that completely turned their world upside down.

Since getting married in January 2018, the pair has been trying to get pregnant, so when that didn’t work out naturally, they tried everything else.

The Houston mother told Love What Matters, “Ovulation tests, prenatal vitamins, cycle tracking apps, fertility monitors.”

“We didn’t even try our luck at following the unsolicited counsel of strangers, friends, and family. We tried, prayed, and waited for fourteen months. Month after Month. pregnancy test negative following negative test. It appeared like we would require help getting pregnant. We even went so far as to discuss it with medical professionals.

The couple seemed to get little assistance from the doctors. Sadie was advised by everyone that she would get pregnant if she reduced weight. Since she had no other options, she underwent gastric surgery and shed 28 pounds.

“She informed me that since she was unable to give me the fertility medication, she would refer me to a fertility specialist if I wasn’t pregnant within six months,” Sadie recalled. I was ecstatic to hear that. We finally received a response other than “no”! We were ecstatic to hear “not right now.”

Unfortunately, though, the couple felt as though they had begun over after Sadie lost the weight and they were unable to conceive.

Connecting the Dots – Adoption Puzzle Fundraising EventAs everyone is aware, we received a call regarding our little two weeks ago.

Published on Friday, August 30, 2019 by Sadie Sampson

Sadie said, “I had always felt like I was meant to be a mother.” “I was still not pregnant even though my surgeon had spent a long time to warn me about how fertile I would be following surgery. Thus, we gave up. We came to the realization that our only destiny was to be our nieces’ aunts and uncles and our goddaughters’ godparents.

The couple had just come to the painful conclusion that they would not be able to conceive when Sadie’s friend texted her to ask if they would be willing to foster a child that a couple she knew was thinking about for themselves.

At first, the couple was apprehensive since they had been instructed by a caseworker to look after the child while the mother sought therapy. The couple was concerned that they would grow overly devoted to the child. But soon after, the narrative was altered.

The caseworker stated, “The birth mother decided she would prefer you guys adopt the child instead.”

“Holy crap!!” was the first thing Sadie uttered out loud when she learned she was expecting a child.

“Overnight, we went from not having any kids to possibly fostering one to, ‘You guys are parents!’” Still in shock, I listened to the caseworker as she spoke. After hanging up, I dialed my spouse! “Baby!” They desire that we adopt the child! They want us to have kids,” I cried out. Hold on! Really? He exclaimed, “I assumed they just wanted us to foster him.” “Nope!” “They want us to be his parents,” I remarked.

Over the weekend, the couple not only processed the surprising news but also braced themselves in case the mother had second thoughts.

On Monday, the mother not only expressed her desire for them to adopt the child, but also stated that she was prepared to sign the adoption papers independently.

At 33 weeks, their son had been born—seven weeks ahead of schedule. His weight was 4 lbs. 5 oz. Sadie writes, “He fit in one of my husband’s hands.”

Sadie said, “He was so small, swaddled in a white blanket with stripes of pink and blue.” He was early, therefore he couldn’t eat on his own, thus an NG tube was coming out of his nose. But my goodness, was he adorable!

The couple was urged to create a registry after they announced their announcement on social media. In just three days, 55 of the 72 goods they had advertised had been purchased.

Following the adoption of Ezra Lee, which was completed in October 2020, the couple had the cutest family portraits shot, sporting t-shirts that said, “Families don’t have to match.”

Through embryo donation, Sadie and Jarvis became parents to twin twins, Destinee and Journey, in 2021. The black couple, adhering to their family credo, “Families don’t have to match,” gave birth to three white children: two girls and one boy.

There is just one reaction for anyone who judges this lovely family: love is the strongest foundation there is.

Man digging in his backyard makes the last discovery he ever expected to find

When a man named John Sims made a decision to buy a house in Tucson, Arizona, from a friend of his, he never imagined the purchase would lead to an astonishing discovery.

Once the deal was done, John’s friend mentioned that there was a rumor about the place that there was something mysterious under the ground.

John didn’t give it much thought at the time, but as time passed by, he became more and more interested to unravel the mystery.

He first started exploring the yard by digging four holes on four different sides, but he found nothing. He then thought about it and figured it out that if there was nothing under the grass, there could definitely be something under the bricks. The next step was to take a closer look at municipal records and learn more of when his house had been built. In those records, it said that a company that went by the name Whitaker Pools built a strange structure on the property in 1961. It was now determined that there was indeed something buried there, which made John even more eager to explore the place.


In order to know where to start digging again, he hired consultants with metal detectors. When the detectors began to go off, he was able to mark the spots with Xs.

After he started digging at the marked places, he stumbled upon something metal, but as he couldn’t possibly know what it was, he didn’t proceed. It could be electric wires, a water pipe, or a septic tank, and he didn’t want to take the risk of damaging anything.

In the days that followed, he dug with precision and stumbled upon what looked like an entrance to a hatch. As he bent down, a metal lid opened. But as there was a possibility of gas fumes or mold spores, he left the lid open for a couple of days for the potential gases to waft out and had the air tested for mold.


The following morning, John took a look inside the hatch and found a spiral staircase that was headed downwards.

As a captain of the Rural/Metro Fire Department, he needed someone around in case the lid fell back in, so he gathered a crew. The first thing they decided to do was to repair and reinforce the concrete structure surrounding the stairs and set up Sonotube cardboard around the entrance to ensure that they do not damage anything.

In order to provide proper lighting and in order to be able to use tools, the crew installed an electric line. They also installed a black pipe to funnel fresh air into the shaft.

The work around the structure was done. Now they needed to secure the spiral staircase.


John was the first one to explore the inside of his backyard. Once he reached the bottom, he knew their work was done and they didn’t need to do any more digging. The underground structure was bare, but it was obvious that it represented a nuclear bomb shelter.

The shelter was built during the cold war between USA and the Soviet Union. At the time, the company mentioned above, Whitaker Pools, turned out to expand their business to bomb shelters.

This wasn’t the sole shelter in the area, however.

Tucson was once a rocket town that held 18 ballistic missiles that were capable to travel across continents and destroy an area of 900 square miles. This was a top secret, and with the end of the cold war, the missiles were all disabled.

John’s discovery was of great significance. Once he shared all about it on Reddit, many media outlets were quick to pick up his story.

“I was really hoping it was going to be a little microcosm… a time capsule full of civil-defense boxes, radiation detectors, and cots and stuff like that,” John shared during an interview.

For those around the are who want to know if there is a nuclear shelter in their yard, John suggests looking up records of the City of Tucson or Pima County for information.

In case they do discover anything alike, John urges citizens to be extra cautious, just like he was. “Jumping into holes in the ground is generally not a good idea,” John said and explained that toxic air in a tunnel or a cave-in can easily incapacitate anyone.

It is John’s wish to restore the bomb shelter, but because that requires plenty of money, he set up a GoFundMe page. It is his priority to replace the staircase so that people can enter the shelter easily and explore the place.

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