Actress Candice Patton and retired NBA player J.R. Smith have just welcomed a baby boy. However, there’s some drama, as Smith is still married to his wife, Shirley “Jewel” Smith, who is the mother of his two daughters.
Candice shared the happy news on social media on Friday, Sept. 27, around 4 p.m. She posted a series of pictures and a video showing the baby’s feet, with both parents’ hands touching him. The tattoos on the father’s arms gave away that J.R. Smith was the dad.

J.R. Smith reportedly welcomed his first son with actress Candice Patton despite still being married. (Photos by Rich Schultz/Getty Images; @candicepatton/Instagram)
Candice Patton wrote in her post, “Son in Virgo. Born at home. Heart now beats outside of my chest. In love forevermore.” She didn’t say exactly when the baby was born, but it seems he was born in the last month.
A gossip site shared her post, including a picture that showed J.R. Smith’s tattoos. People’s comments on the post were a mix of congratulations and surprise.
People had a lot to say about Candice Patton and J.R. Smith’s baby news. One person wrote, “That’s not his wife?!” while another said, “Awww, he finally got his boy! But I thought he was back with his wife?”
One commenter reminded everyone, “Lmaooo I loved her down, but didn’t you say a few years ago you were going to pray for JR Smith’s wife after she accused you of having an affair? This is interesting.”
Others pointed out that Smith has been accused of cheating before. One person said, “He’s been cheating on his wife for years, starting with Tahiry Jose.”
Some people remembered when his wife called them out for having an affair. Another commenter asked, “Didn’t he have a problem with one of his kids being sick? Now he’s having more kids?”
One person even said, “The way he treated his wife, especially after her last difficult pregnancy, he won’t prosper.”
Five years ago, Smith’s wife, Jewel, publicly talked about the affair on Instagram Live and asked for divine help.
At the time, neither J.R. nor Candice confirmed or denied the relationship. But J.R. made a post on Instagram in December 2019, saying he and his wife had been separated for months. He added that Instagram wasn’t the right place for relationship updates.
Rumors about J.R. and Candice being together started after they were seen at a Halloween party in October 2019. A photo of them together was even posted by “Riverdale” star Vanessa Morgan.
Although J.R. said he and his wife were separated, they seemed to get back together briefly in January 2020 to celebrate one of their daughters’ birthdays.
Later in 2020, Jewel posted some photos on Instagram, and J.R. liked them, which led people to wonder if they were getting back together. However, if they did reconcile, it didn’t last long.
In 2022, J.R.’s daughter’s Instagram page wished him a Happy Father’s Day, and more recently, the account posted a message for his birthday on September 9, 2023.
J.R. now has four children. He’s currently a senior at North Carolina A&T and plays on the school’s golf team. He and Jewel have two daughters, Dakota (7) and Denver (4). J.R. also has a 15-year-old daughter, Demi, from a previous relationship, and Jewel has a daughter named Peyton from a relationship before she married J.R.
D-Dаy vеtеrаn rеunitеs with Frеnсh Lоvе 75 yеаrs lаtеr
This sweet story shows how love can endure a lifetime, transcend countries, oceans, and even language. In the video, we are introduced to a World War II veteran, K.T. Robbins. He has kept a photo of the girl he fell in love with while stationed in France in 1944. After 75 years, he still remembers the love they shаrеd.
The two had only encountered each other briefly in France while K.T. was a soldier stationed in her town. They were abruptly separated as the war efforts took them each to different parts of the country. While they missed each other dearly, their reunion would take place 75 years later.
After hearing his story, K.T.’s family set out to locate this mysterious woman in the photograph, only knowing her name: Jeannine Ganaye. Luckily, they found her in a retirement facility in France and quickly arranged for the two to reunite after all these years.
“Why did you not come back sooner?” Jeannine asked. K.T.’s response was simple: he had found another woman, married, and raised a family. Jeannie’s story was similar as she had married and raised 5 children. Even while building their families separately, they obviously kept a special place in each other’s hearts.
The reunion was a moment where the two could think back on young love. K.T. had sаvеd one photograph of Jeannie for 75 years. As they both looked at that photo, Jeannie laughed and said that no one dressed likе she did back then. While it is today’s fashion to wear shorts and crop tops, it was not common in the 1940s. Being brave and different is perhaps what set her apart to capture K.T.’s heart for 75 years.
As one viewer noted, you never forget a true love that you meet in a lifetime. And many viewers commented on how this video brought tears to their eyes. However, seeing their joyful reunion can restore faith in the power love holds in life.
As K.T. and Jeannine parted ways again to return to their homes, you could see the desire to hold on to what they had dreamed of for 75 years. Though their physical reunion was brief, their love remains everlasting.
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