Honeymooners Tried to Make My Flight Hell as Revenge – I Brought Them Back to Earth

On a recent 14-hour flight, I, Toby, 35, was eager to return to my wife and kid. I had splurged on a premium economy seat for extra comfort, but my peace was ruined when newlyweds Dave and Lia came along.

Dave asked me to switch seats with his wife, who was sitting in economy. “I declined politely, explaining I’d paid extra for comfort,” but Dave didn’t take it well, muttering, “You’ll regret this.” What followed was pure chaos.

Dave started coughing loudly, blasting a movie without headphones, and scattering crumbs everywhere. Then Lia joined him, sitting on his lap, turning the row into their personal honeymoon suite. It was clear that their behavior wasn’t going to stop, so I flagged down a flight attendant. She reminded them of the airline’s rules, pointing out safety regulations and common courtesy.

Finally, after much disruption, Dave and Lia were moved to the back of the plane. At last, I had the peace I paid for and could relax for the remainder of the flight. As we landed, I couldn’t resist getting in a last word: “Hope you guys learned something today. Enjoy your honeymoon!”

With their heads down, they didn’t respond, and I walked off the plane, satisfied that I’d stood my ground and taught them a lesson in airplane etiquette.

For Years My Neighbor Comes Home for 15 Minutes in the Middle of the Day — I Finally Dared to Take a Peek

As I hurried to my front door, I realized that I only had fifteen minutes left. I quickly headed toward the open window as soon as I thought no one was watching. I was happy that no neighbors were observing when I peered over the windowsill.

Their living area was same to all others. Mike faced away from me while holding a high-end camera. With a subtle smile, Jill turned to face him. My attention was drawn to a brief glimpse of motion near the room’s edge. Mike had my whole attention. His wife yelled, “Someone’s there!,” as our eyes locked, and I lost my breath. There’s someone looking inside!

No, no, no! I pondered. This is not possible!

With my heart racing, I hurried back to my house and secured the door. What was going through my mind? I peeked inside their house, but why? Had I caused them any offense? I thought they were going to call the cops.

The quiet was broken the following day by a knock on my door. Taking a glance through the peephole made my stomach turn. It was Mike. He pulled out a picture from an envelope he was holding. My picture. “Want to elaborate?” he inquired, seeming amused.

I admitted, embarrassed. To my astonishment, Mike grinned and extended an invitation to visit, stating that he loves Jill by taking her picture every day. I treasured their endearing custom and never looked out the window again after that day.

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