Most people misunderstand this. What is the real intent of the drawer beneath the stove?

Introduction to the Stove Drawer

The kitchen is frequently regarded as the heart of any home, where considerable time is spent cooking meals and gathering with family and friends. An essential appliance found in most kitchens is the stove, typically accompanied by a mysterious drawer underneath the oven.

Dispelling the Storage Misconception

Many people mistakenly view the drawer beneath the stove as a storage space for pots, pans, and kitchen essentials. However, this assumption overlooks critical considerations.

Storing items in this drawer can pose significant safety risks due to the intense heat from the oven. Plastic containers or flammable materials stored there could melt or catch fire, presenting a hazard. Moreover, storing items obstructs proper ventilation around the stove, potentially leading to hygiene issues from accumulated crumbs and debris.

Discovering Its True Purpose: The Warming Drawer

Contrary to popular belief, the drawer underneath the stove serves primarily as a “warming drawer.” Its purpose is to keep food warm after cooking, especially useful when preparing multiple dishes or hosting guests.

Equipped with temperature controls, warming drawers maintain optimal heat levels to ensure food stays warm without overcooking or drying out. They are particularly handy for keeping side dishes warm while the main course is being prepared.

Origins and Evolution

The concept of the warming drawer originated in the early 20th century amid advancements in kitchen technology. As electric and gas stoves gained popularity, manufacturers sought innovative features to improve culinary convenience.

Initially designed to address the challenge of keeping food warm without compromising quality, the warming drawer quickly became a standard feature in modern stove designs. Its evolution reflects the evolving needs and expectations of home cooks seeking efficient solutions in the kitchen.

Versatility Beyond Warming

Beyond keeping food warm, the warming drawer proves versatile in various culinary tasks:

  • Proofing Dough: Ideal for baking enthusiasts, the warming drawer provides a consistent temperature for proofing dough, enhancing its texture and flavor.
  • Drying Herbs: Quick and efficient drying of herbs can be achieved by spreading them on a baking sheet inside the warming drawer set to a low temperature.
  • Warming Plates and Utensils: Before serving a meal, warm plates and utensils in the drawer to maintain food temperature longer upon serving.


In conclusion, while commonly misunderstood as a storage space, the drawer underneath the stove serves a pivotal role as a warming drawer. By embracing its intended function, you can elevate your cooking experience, maintain meal temperatures effectively, and enhance dining enjoyment in your home. Embrace its versatility and reap the benefits it offers for your culinary endeavors.

If you see a man with one painted fingernail, here’s what it means

When Elliot Costello and a group of other people visited Cambodia, he had an encounter with a young girl named Thea.

Little did Elliot know that this encounter would have an impact so profound on him that it would help start a movement whose goal is to end sexual abuse against children.

Namely, Thea always had nail polish on her tiny nails. One day, as she and Elliot chatted, she asked to paint one of his nails. He agreed and was happy to speak to the chatty girl, but he then learned that she was once a victim of sexual abuse.

“As she painted one of my nails, I assured her I would always keep it that way to remember her, and by extension, her suffering,” Elliot said.

This motivated Elliot to try and make positive change among men so that less and less children fall victims of sexual abuse.

That is when he came up with the movement called #PolishedMan where men put nail polish on one of their nails. That one nail represents the one in five children who will be victims of sexual violence.

Polished Man works towards ending sexual violence against children. According to the organization, “being a Polished Man means challenging violent behavior and language, both locally and globally.”

Elliot believes that since men are responsible for 96% of this type of violence against children globally, they should be catalyst for change if we are ever to see an end to the abuse of innocent children.

The goal with the painted nail isn’t just to remind people of the number of children who are abused every single day, but to serve as a conversation starter about this reality, leading to new ideas about prevention. He also hopes that people will start donating to “support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse,” as per APlus.

We hope that more men, including celebrities

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