Answer: It is rubber cement. Even though the superior Elmer’s glue had been alive and well since the 50’s, this bottle that looked like a magical elixir crafted by an alchemist centuries ago, was in every one of my classrooms in the 80’s. And for some reason back then they thought making glue look like delicious pancake syrup was a good idea. Luckily just one whiff of this stuff and you’ll know right away that this will not have the sweet taste of Mrs.Butterworth.

A mother and father brought their 6-year-old son to the seaside

A mom and dad took their 6-year-old son to a undressed beach. While walking along the shore, the boy saw that some of the women had bigger chests than his mom’s and asked her why.
His mom replied: “The bigger they are, the dumber the person is”.
Happy with the answer, the boy ran off to play in the ocean. A little later, he came back to tell his mom that many of the men had larger “privates” than his dad. His mom said: “The bigger they are, the dumber the person is”.
Again pleased with this response, the boy went back to play. Not long after, he returned once more.
He exclaimed: “Daddy is talking to the silliest girl on the beach, and the longer he talks, the sillier he gets!”
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