My Husband Demanded a Sixth Child or Threatened Divorce – After My Lesson, He Begged for Forgiveness on His Knees

My husband didn’t anticipate that I would defend our kids and myself when he offered me a terrifying ultimatum. I showed him that he was being unreasonable when we already had so much to be thankful for. He begged ME for pity as his ultimatum came to an end! I never imagined myself in this situation, but here I am, facing a decision. My spouse’s one demand put me in a tight spot and forced me to take extreme steps. But I had to take action because of that demand. Danny, my spouse, has consistently been a successful businessman and a loving father.

He works long hours at the workplace and has been a good provider for our family. I can now raise our five lovely girls while being a stay-at-home mother because of this. His aspirations to have a son “to carry on the family name” have, however, recently evolved into demands. And now those requests are transformed into threats!One evening after supper he stated, “Lisa, we NEED to have a sixth child.” He spoke in a somber, even icy tone. “We already have FIVE daughters, Danny. Do you want me to continue having children until we get a son? I answered, sensing the anxiety building. However, don’t kids bring you blessings? Is it really so difficult? His remarks hurt. Even though we’ve had this debate numerous times, something felt different this time. It had the air of an ultimatum. We kept going around in circles, neither of us ready to give up on our decisions. He threatened to consider DIVORCING me if I refused to have a son for him, that’s how bad our disagreement was! “Do you mean that if I didn’t give you a son, you would leave me?” My voice trembled as I asked. He murmured, “I didn’t say THAT,” and averted his gaze. However, the inference was evident.

If I didn’t do as HIS wishes dictated, he was open to the possibility of divorce. We said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways to get ready for bed after that. I lay awake that night thinking about our chat. How could he treat the life we’d created together with such contempt? All of our daughters are vibrant, individual, and extraordinary. I can’t think of our family in any other manner. I had to explain to him what he was requesting of me, of the two of us. Furthermore, what do you know? I thought of a clever method to SHOW him exactly what it means to raise five kids by yourself before I closed my eyes and went to sleep! I got up extra early the very next day, while everyone was still asleep. I drove to my late mother’s old country home after packing my bags.

I ignored all of his calls and texts and turned off the ringer on my phone. “The Drama That Unfolds When You Leave Your Husband at Home Alone with Five Children” is my favorite show of the day, so I settled in to watch it after making myself breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee. With the security cameras we had put at our house, I was able to see everything in real time. A RUDE awakening was in store for Danny! As soon as he was awake, he got ready for work. But when he heard the kids making a commotion, he put an end to his plans. He questioned our rascals, “Where’s your mother and why aren’t y’all dressed and ready for breakfast?” When my babies disregarded him and carried on playing and jumping on beds, it made me proud. My spouse called my name and searched for me before realizing I wasn’t at home. Then he began phoning me, and I saw the call go through. He became irate and exclaimed, “What the hell, Lisa,” before hanging up after the sixth missed call. He was unable to leave our small kids alone, thus he was unable to go to work. The first morning was a total bust and hilarious! When he attempted to prepare breakfast, he burned the toast and ruined the orange juice all over the place! The children were playing and without bothering to put on clothes. I was having a blast, and he was utterly overwhelmed!”Stop running, Emma!” Please put on your shoes, Jessica. I heard him yelling, his voice strained. “Daddy, this cereal doesn’t appeal to me.” Emily pushed her bowl away and whimpered. “So, what do you WANT?” he questioned, getting agitated. “I insist on pancakes!” she exclaimed. Danny massaged his temples and moaned. Alright, let me prepare pancakes. Feeling left out, little Jessica added, “I want cake and scrambled eggs!” Never one to be left out, Emma insisted, “Please, waffles and fresh cream!” I was positive that if his temples were hurting previously, they were now throbbing! The situation became worse during the course of the day! He attempted to assist them with their online coursework, but they were constantly getting sidetracked and leaving! He begged, “Jessica, please concentrate on your math homework.” “Daddy, I don’t understand it,” the girl exclaimed. He sat next to her and gazed at the TV. “All right, let’s work it out together.” In the middle of tending to the kids, a call from work arrived. Based on the discussion and Danny’s sincere apologies, it appeared that he had neglected to mark himself as absent for the day! My spouse was unable to determine what our kids preferred to eat for lunch.

They ultimately had a picnic with inane munchies as a result. “May we please have jelly and peanut butter?” Emma asked. He said, “I’m not sure we have any,” as he looked in the pantry. “Maybe just some jelly?” she proposed. Although watching Danny suffer in this way was heartbreaking, it was well worth the laughs! He appeared to be about to lose it, and the house was a complete mess with toys all over the place! He moaned, “Why is Play-Doh on the carpet?” Ask Emily, I’m not sure,” Jessica answered. Emily began enumerating all the reasons why she wasn’t the offender as soon as she heard her name! “I exclusively use blue and purple Play-Doh to play. I just walked a little bit on the carpet in one place; I wasn’t sitting on it. I. My spouse jokingly interrupted her before she could say anything further. “All right, Emily! Alright, I understand! Would you kindly take it down for Daddy? The girls decided to dress up in the evening, and Danny HAD to join in! They made him pretend to be a princess while donning a feather boa and tiara!”Daddy, you’re so beautiful!” Emily chuckled. He mumbled, “This is ridiculous,” yet he grinned at their happiness. My spouse appeared disoriented and really worn out. The very last straw was bedtime! They continued slinking out of their rooms, insisted on stories, and DEMANDED to go to bed! I was so proud!Emma pleaded, “Just one more story, Daddy.””Okay, but THEN it’s really time for bed,” he said, growing impatient. Danny was clearly on the edge of collapse by the end of the second day! He began pleading with me in his desperate messages to return and assist. He texted, “My angel, please, I can’t do this alone.” He even submitted a video of himself pleading for mercy while on his knees. “My dear, I apologize. Please return home. You are necessary to me. The fact that he recorded the video in our closed bathroom while the children DEMANDED he come outside and play added to the humor of the footage! I made up my mind to head home. Danny was the first person to come to me when I went in; he looked more relieved than I had ever seen! “I really apologize,” he said. “I will no longer put pressure on you to have a son.” He squeezed me till I was almost out of breath! He pledged, “I promise to spend more time with the family. I realize now how much you do.” I felt moved. “We can talk about the POSSIBILITY of having a sixth child if you genuinely promise to spend more time with us and help out more,” I added. He gave a forceful nod. “I swear, I swear,” Just just don’t ever leave me with kids alone for so long again! He fulfilled his word from that day on, and we both chuckled. He showed greater interest in our family and an appreciation for the labor-intensive nature of raising our current children. Positive changes started to occur in our life. In an effort to be more present, Danny started arriving home from work early and occasionally worked from home. He took on nighttime responsibilities, attended school functions, and assisted with homework! To the awe of our girls, my once-misled spouse even learned how to braid hair! “Observe, mother! My father braided my hair. One morning, Jessica smiled. “Darling, you did a great job,” I said. Danny gave me a gentle smile as we sat around the breakfast table one Saturday morning. He said, “I’ve been thinking.” Perhaps having a son isn’t the main reason. Maybe it has to do with appreciating our family. I returned the smile, a wave of warmth coursing through my chest. “Danny, that is all I have ever wanted.” We carried on having breakfast while chatting and laughing, the stress of the previous few weeks dissipating. We discovered true satisfaction during those carefree times spent with our girls. My spouse never again broached the subject of having a sixth kid after months had passed.

He had undergone a transformation, showing greater involvement and closeness to our family than before. He was loved by the girls, and there was laughing and happiness in our house.”Will you please attend my dance recital, Daddy?” One day Emily asked. Of course, my love. He said, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And he fulfilled his word! Every school play, every soccer match, and every recital he attended. His renewed love and care allowed our daughters to grow and thrive. Danny held my hand one evening while we watched our daughters play in the backyard. “I’m grateful, Lisa,” he murmured. “For all the things.” Tears were starting to spring up in my eyes as I squeezed his fingers. “I appreciate your understanding,” I answered. Although our path wasn’t simple, it helped us get closer. My spouse gained an appreciation for his family. And I mustered the courage to defend our daughters as well as myself. We were more resilient than ever, equipped to handle any difficulties life presented. And I knew we had found our happily ever after as we sat there under the evening sun, watching our girls chase fireflies.


The three-time Oscar winner’s disheveled appearance comes after multiple reports suggested the star’s pals were concerned he would die alone, in a similar manner to his former next door neighbor and fellow screen legend Marlon Brando.

Nicholson, 85, is arguably La La Land’s most famous bachelor. He was married for four years prior to making it in Hollywood. His most famous romance with Angelica Houston ended nearly 25 years ago.

The Shining star was last seen in October 2021 alongside his doppelganger son, Ray, sitting courtside watching his beloved LA Lakers. Ray, 31, is one of the few people that Nicholson keeps in contact with, according to reports.

On Thursday, Nicholson was pictured enjoying the fresh air overlooking Franklin Canyon Reservoir. He wore a loose-fitting pale orange shirt and baggy sweatpants as he leaned up against a balcony railing on the crisp morning outing.

Jack Nicholson has been seen for the first time in 18 months, hanging out on the balcony of his Mullholland Drive compound in Beverly Hills The 85-year-old wore a loose fitting pale orange shirt and baggy sweatpants as he leaned up against a balcony railing on the crisp morning outing

Nicholson’s appearance comes months after multiple reports suggested The Shining star has become a recluse Nicholson took turns sitting and standing while enjoying the Los Angeles morning. In video exclusively obtained by, birds could be heard chirping while he tapped on the balcony railings.

At one point, the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest star keenly observed a helicopter flying overhead.

He’s made it clear his home is his castle. But people just wish he’d come out of the house and pop up to tell them how — or at least reassure folks he’s OK,’ an unnamed friend told Radar Online in January.

‘Jack’s in touch with certain relatives — especially Ray, his protégé, who he’s so proud of — but his socializing days are long gone,’ they added. His last on-screen appearance came in 2010’s little known How Do You Know, starring alongside Owen Wilson and Reese Witherspoon.

The New Jersey-native has dodged rumors for years that he’s retired from acting as he is battling dementia and is unable to remember his lines.

In January, his unnamed friend told Radar that while Nicholson was in good shape physically, ‘his mind is gone.’

At one point, the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest keenly observed a helicopter flying overhead

In video exclusively obtained by, birds could be heard chirping as Nicholson tapped on his balcony railings

The New Jersey-native has dodged rumors for years that he retired from acting as he is battling dementia and was unable to remember his lines

In January, his unnamed friend told Radar Online that while Nicholson was in good shape physically, ‘his mind is gone’

Shortly after those reports emerged, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said during an episode of his No Spin News broadcast that reports that Nicholson’s mental health had diminished were ‘bull.’

I visited Jack Nicholson a few months ago. I had a long conversation with him and he follows the No Spin News very closely and had all kinds of intelligent questions for me,’ O’Reilly said.

‘I have been friends with him for decades. He is 85, okay? But he is more intellectually nimble than the president of the United States,’ the former Inside Edition host continued.’ Despite his confirmed bachelor status, Nicholson has fathered six children by five different women.

Nicholson has been criticized for never acknowledging his paternity of his alleged daughter Tessa Gourin, who was born out of his brief affair with waitress Jeanine Gourin.

Nicholson’s compound on Mulholland Drive. The actor started buying the land around the home in the 1970s

Nicholson pictured in October 2019 with the NBA’s 75th anniversary basketball at the Staples Center

In February, Tessa, an aspiring actress, published an essay in Newsweek titled ‘I’m Jack Nicholson’s Daughter – I Wish People Could Call Me a Nepo Baby.’

‘Having grown up without my father, I’ve sat on the sidelines and watched in frustration as other celebrity children have seamlessly secured roles or been signed to huge agencies,’ she wrote. ‘More recently, I have grown even more frustrated at what I think is a missed opportunity for these so-called “nepo babies” to own their position and embrace it instead of complaining about it,’ Tessa continued. For nearly four decades, Jack believed that his mom was his sibling, until 1974, when Time magazine uncovered the truth and told him about its findings. While speaking to Patrick McGilligan for his biography, entitled Jack’s Life, the Shining star called it ‘the most f**ked thing he had ever heard.’ He also said the discovery was ‘dramatic’, but added that it ‘wasn’t’ something he’d ‘call traumatizing.’

The actor later told Rolling Stone, when asked about the shock revelation: ‘I was very impressed by their ability to keep the secret, if nothing else. It’s done great things for me.’

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