My Stepmom Secretly Canceled My Prom Hair Appointment to Ruin My Day, But Her Jaw Dropped When a Limousine Showed Up for Me

Let me tell you—this story is wild, and you won’t believe what happened!

First, a bit of background. I’m Emily, 17, and a senior in high school. I live with my dad, my stepmom Carla, and her son, Mason. Despite everything, Mason and I get along like siblings usually do. But Carla? Well, she can’t stand me, and trust me, the feeling is mutual.

It all started seven years ago when my mom passed away from a cold that wouldn’t go away. Not long after, my dad started dating Carla, and within a year, they were married. I’ll never forget my aunt’s words at the wedding: “Your father didn’t waste any time, did he? And who is Carla anyway? She’s nothing compared to your mom.”

Carla seemed fine at first. She even tried to win me over, but it didn’t take long for the passive-aggressive comments to begin. I remember once, she just stared at me and said, “You look too much like your mother, Emily. It actually pains me to look at you.” She’d add digs like, “No wonder your father gives Mason more attention.” I tried to brush it off, but it stung. My dad? Clueless, of course. He didn’t see how Carla really treated me, and Carla loved that. She could say whatever she wanted with zero consequences.

Fast forward to prom season. Like any other girl, I was dreaming of the perfect night. I had saved up my babysitting money for months and finally bought a gorgeous violet dress—my mom’s favorite color. I had also booked a hair appointment at a fancy salon, where all my friends were getting their hair done too. Everything was set for my magical night… until Carla decided to ruin it.

The day of prom, I showed up at the salon, excited and ready. But the receptionist looked confused when I arrived. “Emily? I thought you canceled your appointment,” she said. I froze. Canceled? I didn’t cancel anything.

Just then, the hairdresser came over and explained that she had received a call earlier that day, supposedly from my “mom,” canceling my appointment. My heart sank, and that’s when I saw her—Carla—sitting there, getting her own hair done, with a smirk on her face. She had canceled my appointment to ruin my day.

Desperate, I asked the stylist if she could fit me in anyway, but there were no openings left. I walked out of the salon in a daze, devastated. My perfect prom night was unraveling before my eyes, and by the time I got home, I was in tears, locked in my room, trying and failing to do my own hair. It looked awful, and I felt defeated. I didn’t even want to go to prom anymore.

But just when I thought the night was ruined, I heard loud honking outside. At first, I ignored it, thinking it was just a car passing by. But it didn’t stop, so I dragged myself to the window—and my jaw dropped. A sleek black limousine was parked in front of our house. Was this for me?

I ran downstairs just as the driver stepped out and asked for “Miss Emily.” My dad, confused, handed me a small card. Inside, in neat handwriting, it read: To my beautiful sister, Emily. I know you’ve had a rough time, but you deserve the best night ever! Enjoy the limo, and don’t worry about a thing. Love, Mason.

Mason? My 11-year-old stepbrother had planned all of this! He overheard Carla canceling my hair appointment, so he took matters into his own hands. Using money Carla had stashed away for a fancy necklace she wanted, Mason rented the limo and even arranged for a neighbor’s daughter—who worked as a stylist—to come over and do my hair and makeup.

Twenty minutes later, I went from crying in my room to looking like a princess. I couldn’t believe Mason had done all of this for me. When Carla pulled into the driveway and saw me stepping into the limo, her face turned red with shock. She had no idea how Mason had outsmarted her, and I wished I had a picture of her expression to hang on my mirror!

Prom turned out to be everything I had hoped for. When I arrived at the venue in the limo, heads turned, and I felt like a star. For the first time in a long while, I felt my mom’s presence with me, and the night was pure magic. As for Carla, I hope she learned her lesson—you can’t mess with someone’s happiness and expect to get away with it, especially when their little brother is there to save the day!

Healthy Pickled Beets


Seven big, fresh beets

One vinegar cup

A half-cup of sugar

Half a teaspoon of whole cloves

Half a teaspoon of whole allspice

A half-teaspoon of salt


Now let’s talk about the beets. Give them a thorough cleaning before chopping off the tops, leaving approximately one inch. Put them in a Dutch oven with water on top of them. After bringing the water to a boil, cover and cook the beets gently for 25 to 30 minutes, or until they are soft. When finished, carefully remove them from the water and allow them cool.

Once the beets have cooled, remove the skins and cut them into the desired shapes. Sliced beets should be placed in a basin and left for a short while.

Next, place the vinegar, sugar, salt, allspice, and whole cloves in a small pot. It should take around five minutes to bring this mixture to a boil. Pour the boiling fluid over the beets that have been cut into slices.

Before serving, the beets should be chilled for at least an hour for optimal results. You just need to drain the liquid and your delicious pickled beets are ready to eat!

These nutritious pickled beets are a great way to start a meal or as a light snack.

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