Older Mom Who Became Homeless Due to 3 Sons Cries When Lawyer Says She Gets $1M Mansion — Story of the Day

Rose, who once lived a life of joy and luxury in her family mansion, was now living on the street, thanks to the greed of her three sons. But soon, she would get a phone call that would end her misery…

To everyone who passed by the Roy Mansion, the exquisite six-bedroom house was nothing short of a dream.

On the outside, people posed in front of its majestic weathered gates and took pictures to share on social media. But on the inside was a heartbreaking story of love, loss, and greed.

Love, because it was the mansion that a rich young man had built for the love of his life almost four decades ago and raised a family of three boys and a girl with her…

Loss, because it was within those walls that the fairytale love story came to an abrupt end when the man succumbed to an illness, breathing his last in the arms of the woman he loved…

And greed, because the three sons that were once the center of their parents’ universe had manipulated and kicked their old widowed mother out because she refused to sell the house.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

Rose was that 63-year-old widow who had lost everything – the only man she ever loved, the only home she ever knew, and the love of her three stubborn sons, Don, David, and Daniel.

While the three young men patted their own backs for finally selling that old relic of a house and buying three spectacular modern houses for themselves with their share of the money, they had conveniently cut out their elderly mother from the picture.

Their sister Debbie got a share, too. But she was away in some disease-ridden corner of the earth, trying to come up with a cure for some new illness nobody had heard of.

“Who cares? Debbie could donate her share to some worthless charity for all I care!” Don said on a conference call with his brothers.

“Yeah! And Mom will be all right, too. It’s not like she’s going to beg on the streets. The woman is smarter than that!” David chuckled.

“It had to be done, brothers! Mom was going to make us wait for an eternity to get our share…” Daniel, the eldest, had the last word.

Meanwhile, Rose was now in a sketchy part of the city, just another sad, desperate face in the line of homeless people outside an infamous park.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

She had left her home with almost nothing, except for Raymond’s oldest car. She often slept in the backseat, squeezing her tall frame to fit in the narrow space.

“Oh, Raymond!” Rose sighed, looking up through the car window to the heavens. “This is what it all has come to! I’m glad you’re not here to see this; it would break your sweet heart. Wait for me, Ray. I’ll be joining you soon, wherever you are, honey…until then, I’ll rest…”

Amidst all the unbearable grief and pain, there was a small part of her that felt relief in giving up.

After all, Rose had never really had a moment of respite ever since Raymond had died, leaving her to fend for four children, all under the age of ten.

It had been a long, arduous journey bringing up the kids. But it had also been a fulfilling one. After Raymond’s death, Rose worked two jobs for several years, saving every penny she could for their education and future.

And it paid off as all four of them turned out to be successful in their own fields.

“They scammed you, and now they’ll know what that feels like!” Debbie said and brought out a small gift case for her mother.

But their professional accomplishments no longer impressed Rose because she had now seen the harsh truth: her sons had failed at being good human beings.

They had betrayed the woman who single-handedly raised them and left her with a laughable amount of change, not enough to even buy an old trailer.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

Days turned into weeks until it had almost been a month into Rose’s life on the street. She didn’t complain once – because even on the street, her kindness and sense of humor had managed to make her some incredible friends.

Still, there were only two people she kept thinking of: her husband Raymond and her daughter Debbie.

Debbie had left home at the tender age of 18, hoping to earn money for the family. Life surrounded her with helpful people who noticed her potential, and several years later, she became a highly respected medical researcher.

“I’m so proud of our girl, Raymond! I worry for her. Watch over her for me, will you? Find a way to tell her I’m all right, and I love her,” Rose spoke to her husband in her heart, before bursting into tears.

Little did the elderly woman know that just one week later, she would be standing face to face with her daughter, hugging her like they had never parted.

At first, she didn’t recognize the elegant woman in the classy suit getting out of the chic black car that had pulled up in the abandoned parking lot.

But when the woman’s eyes landed on Rose, the childlike joy on that beautiful young face was unmistakable.

“Debbie! Darling! Am I dreaming?” Rose was dizzy with emotion as her daughter hugged her tight.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

“Mom, I’m here now. It’s all going to be okay,” Debbie sobbed for her mother, who was a frail shadow of what she used to be.

It turned out that a kind old neighbor had recently called Debbie in the middle of the night and told her about what her brothers had done to their mom.

“He also said he had seen you eating leftovers in the backseat of dad’s old red car.”

“My heart sank, and I jumped onto the next plane to find you and meet you,” Debbie cried, holding her mother.

That afternoon, Debbie and Rose sat in a hotel room and spoke for hours. After reminiscing about the good old days, Debbie cleared her throat. It was time to reveal the big news to mother.

“Mom, what Don, David, and Daniel have done to you is unforgivable. And as their eldest sister, I decided to put them in their place!” Debbie sounded determined and confident.

Debbie insisted on taking Rose to “a special place.” An hour-long drive later, mother and daughter were standing in front of the old mansion, admiring its beauty.

“Too bad it’s sold, sweetheart,” Rose said, wiping her tears.

“I know. Because I bought it!” Debbie said calmly.

Rose couldn’t believe her ears.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

She listened as her kind daughter explained how she spent all her savings on buying back the house without revealing to her brothers who she was.

“They scammed you, and now they’ll know what that feels like!” Debbie said and brought out a small gift case for her mother.

When Rose opened the box, she didn’t expect to see the keys to the old house. “It even has the same old keychain on it, look!”

A week of paperwork later, Rose finally got a call from her daughter’s lawyer. “You are now the sole owner of this mansion, and nobody can force you out of it anymore. This beautiful $1 million mansion is forever yours, Ms. Rose.”

Rose stood still, holding the phone to her ear long after the call was over. She felt a sense of overwhelm and relief and finally burst into tears.

As for Debbie, there was one last thing she wanted to do.

She spoke to her lawyer and came up with an elaborate scheme that conned all three brothers into selling their new houses, leaving them in a financial lurch and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Meanwhile, Debbie and her mother were out enjoying little pleasures of life like drifting dandelions and bubblegum ice cream.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Getty Images

Rose had taught Debbie to be a kind human being, and now, it was her turn to teach her mother to live for herself.

The doting daughter arranged lunch dates, spa days, and birthday photoshoots for her beautiful mother; right until the day she peacefully died in her arms.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Greed makes us blind to the blessings in our life. Don, David, and Daniel were only focused on getting their share of the family estate. In the process, they lost the loving presence of their mother, the woman who had toiled hard to raise them.
  • The joy that comes at the cost of our parents’ well-being is meaningless. The sons tried to cut Rose out of their lives of luxury but ended up unhappy. On the other hand, Debbie found great happiness in living with her elderly mother for the rest of her years.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed this story, you might like this one about another older woman who makes a wish to see the son she had abandoned years ago and finds a charming young man smiling knowingly at her.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life.

My Stepmom Covertly Called Off My Prom Hair Appointment to Spoil My Evening – Yet She Was Stunned When a Limousine Arrived for Me

Yeah, that woman cannot stand me.

It all started 7 years ago, after my mom passed away from a cold that just wouldn’t go away. Before I knew it, my dad was seeing Carla, and a year later, he married her.

“Your father doesn’t waste any time, does he?” my aunt sniffed on the day of the wedding. “And who is Carla anyway? She’s nothing compared to your mom!”

Carla was fine at first. I mean, she tried hard to get me on her side. But slowly, the passive-aggressive jabs started piling up. I remember once, I caught her staring at me.

“You look too much like your mother, Emily,” she said. “It actually pains me to look at you. No wonder your father gives Mason more attention. He’s closer to Mason right now, isn’t he?”

I sighed and ignored her, trying not to let her words get to me.

My dad, of course, didn’t notice a thing. It was like he couldn’t—or just wouldn’t—see how Carla treated me. And she loved that. She loved being the only one ready to taunt me.

Anyway, fast forward to prom season. Like every other girl in my class, I was dreaming of the perfect night. I saved up enough babysitting money for months to buy a gorgeous violet dress.

I couldn’t help but wish that my mother was around to spend these moments with me.

But that’s why I chose the violet dress. It was her favorite color.

Prom was going to be my night. I just knew it.

Whenever I thought about it, I just felt like something magical was going to happen at prom. To make myself feel even better, I booked a hair appointment at a fancy salon. All my friends were going there too.

Everything was set.

But then the big day came, and Carla made sure to ruin it.

I went to the salon, all excited, but when I got there, the receptionist looked at me, confused.

“Emily? Are you sure?” she asked, looking at her computer screen. “Zelda told me that you canceled?”

“I didn’t!” I exclaimed. “Why would I? Prom is this evening!”

“Calm down, honey,” the receptionist said. “I’ll get Zelda.”

I waited impatiently while she went to get the hairdresser. Finally, they returned.

The hairdresser looked uncomfortable.

“I got a call earlier today saying that you wanted to cancel your appointment, Emily. I assumed that it was your Mom?”

My heart dropped. Canceled? How? I didn’t cancel it! What mom?

I was still processing everything when I looked over and saw her.


Sitting there, getting her hair done. Of course.

She saw me and just smirked, her eyes cold as steel. Carla had canceled my appointment.

“Is there any way that you could still schedule me in?” I asked Zelda.

She shook her head sadly.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “When your appointment was canceled, a woman called in and booked her own. All of our slots are taken. I’m sorry, honey.”

I stood there in shock. So, Carla had called pretending to be me? Pretending to be my mom? And then she took my appointment so that she could watch me be disappointed?


I barely managed to keep it together as I ran out of the salon, my head spinning. I felt nauseous.

My perfect prom? It was just falling apart around me. By the time I got home, I locked myself in my room, tears pouring down my face.

I sat at my dressing table trying to fix my hair on my own, but nothing looked good. I felt stupid for telling Carla my plans in passing.

See what had happened?

I looked at my dress, hanging off a hanger.

I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to go to prom anymore.

I sat there, looking at my makeup sitting on my dressing table and wondered if it was even worth it. I mean, what was the point? I was already upset and didn’t feel like anything good was going to come from this.

Suddenly, I heard this loud honking outside. I ignored it at first, thinking it was just a random car.

A teenage girl’s dressing table | Source: Midjourney
A teenage girl’s dressing table | Source: Midjourney

But it didn’t stop.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and dragged myself to the window, fully expecting to see commotion on the road. But when I looked out, my jaw dropped.

A glossy black limousine was parked in front of our house.

I thought it was some sort of mistake. There was no way that the car was for me. My friends’ parents had said no when we first talked about it months ago. But still, I ran downstairs.

I stood at the doorway, waiting for something to happen. The driver stepped out and walked up to our front door. My dad, who had been as clueless as ever during all of this, stood on our porch, looking as confused as I felt.

“I’m here for Miss Emily, sir,” the driver said, holding out a small card.

Miss Emily? Me?

“She’s right here,” my dad said, nodding to me.

I hesitantly took the card from my dad’s hand and opened it. Inside, written in neat handwriting, were the words:

To my beautiful sister, Emily. I know you’ve had a rough time lately, but you deserve the best night ever! Enjoy the limo, and don’t worry about a thing. I’ve been saving all my birthday and Christmas money.

Have a magical night, sis.

Love, Mason.

Mason? My 11-year-old brother did this?

I burst into tears all over again, but this time from pure shock and gratitude. I ran upstairs to find Mason in his room, grinning like he’d just pulled off the ultimate prank.

“I heard Mom on the phone this morning,” he said, shrugging like this wasn’t a big deal. “I knew that it wasn’t fair at all.”

Turns out that he had overheard Carla canceling my hair appointment, and in true little brother fashion, took matters into his own hands.

“But did you really use your money?” I asked him, feeling horrible.

“Not really,” he grinned. “See, Mom has been saving up money to buy some fancy diamond necklace. She’s been showing Dad the necklace, hoping that he would get it for her. But he said no.”

Good for you, Dad, I thought.

“Anyway, after I heard her phone call, she left home. So, I took some of the money from her stash, and went to Mr. Johnson next door. He owns the limo company, remember?”

But Mason didn’t stop there.

“There’s more, Em,” he said. “Mrs. Evans, from across the road? Her daughter is a stylist at the mall. She’s coming here to do your hair and makeup soon.”

Just as the words left his mouth, the doorbell rang.

“That should be her!” Mason said. “Go wash your face, I’ll send her up.”

When did Mason grow up? I wondered as I did what he said.

Twenty minutes later, I went from crying in my bedroom to looking like a princess. I just wished my mom was around to fuss over me. To take endless photos and tell me how proud she was of me. I wanted a hug from her more than anything.

But still, Mason had saved prom!

When Carla drove into our driveway, I was already outside, stepping into the limo like a movie star. Her jaw dropped. And she got out of the car and just stood there, stunned.

Her face? Oh my God. I wish I had a picture of her expression. I would have stuck it on my mirror!

“Richard? Did you do this?” I heard her shriek to my father before the driver closed the door.

Moments later, the driver whisked me away.

Prom was everything I had hoped for. When I arrived at the hall in the limo, heads turned. I was glowing, and I knew it. For the first time in a long time, I felt like my mom was right there with me.

The whole night was pure magic. Dancing, laughing with my friends, and just forgetting all the drama at home.

As for Carla, I hope she learned a lesson. You can’t mess with someone’s joy and get away with it… especially if your son is going to come in and save the day!

What would you have done?

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