If there is one thing we are certain of in life, it’s the fact that people have an opinion. Some will even try to voice that opinion as loud as possible, despite the fact that very few people are listening.
The Internet really makes it easy for anyone to have such an opinion and to voice it for the world to hear. The funny thing is that the stranger the opinion, the more press it seems to receive.
That is what one expert is now experiencing, thanks to their unusual recommendation for parents. They are a self-proclaimed relationship expert, and they said that parents should ask for permission before changing a diaper.
We realize that there are a lot of issues revolving around consent these days, and it can be difficult to navigate them. As far as many parents are concerned, however, asking a baby’s permission before changing a dirty diaper is just out of the question.
To be honest, most parents are not very happy about the fact that they have to change diapers but it is a necessity if you are going to raise your children happy and healthy. Adding the extra layer of having to ask permission before doing so is above and beyond.
The woman who made this claim says that she is a ‘sexuality educator, speaker, and author.’ Her name is Deanne Carson and her unusual recommendation for parents is making waves.
She was on ABC in 2018 to share these insights. She said that this is typically done with children above the age of three but she also feels that consent is important to introduce at a much younger age.
She does admit that babies will not be able to verbally respond to the request for consent, but they should be able to give nonverbal communication with eye contact and in other forms.
She claims that it’s about setting up a culture of consent in the home, and asking if it is okay to change the nappy before doing so.
Carson went further to explain the process, saying that allowing a moment for anticipation and waiting for any nonverbal cues can help parents and toddlers communicate on a deeper level.
Perhaps the most interesting thing was the way the reporters reacted to the suggestion. Not only were they very verbal, but they were also wondering what would happen if the baby said no.
A Heartwarming Tale of a Lost Toy and Kindness

Hearing a moving story that serves as a reminder of the kindness and generosity of people is a pleasant break from the apparently never-ending barrage of bad news. A touching story shared on Facebook by Helen Lupton has touched a lot of people.
Helen and her son Blake had visited the Pleasureland Amusements arcade in Whitby, Yorkshire. It was an amazing day filled with laughter. When they arrived home, though, they discovered that Blake’s beloved purple sloth toy, Slothy, had been left behind.
In an attempt to find the lost toy, a devastated Helen messaged the location. However, the staff informed her that nothing had been reported to lost and found. Blake was crushed because it seemed like there was no hope left.
Helen searched for a replacement toy but was unsuccessful in her mission to put things right. Then out of the blue, she received a message from Pleasureland Amusements. Someone had found Slothy!
Blake’s face lit up with pleasure as Helen broke the good news to him. Since they weren’t local, she asked if they might send Slothy back to them. A few days later, a package appeared, after the personnel kindly gave them permission.

The bundle included a number of incredibly heartfelt surprises. Aside from Slothy, there were two new toys and three containers of goodies. An emotional note inside the gift said, “Hello, we thought Pablo (as we called him before we knew he was Slothy) would get scared during his journey, so we sent him with a friend and some snacks to share with you when he got back home safe and sound.” To prevent him from getting bored, we gave him a fidget pop. I hope Pablo, also known as Slothy, stays safe going forward.
Touched by the care and friendliness of the Pleasureland staff, Helen shared the photos on Facebook. She encouraged others to visit the Whitby arcade and expressed her gratitude for the reminder that there are still nice, honest, kind, and gentle people in the world.
Hundreds more comments were left as the item was immediately seen by many more. A few people responded to the story emotionally; one individual even claimed it made them cry. Employees at Pleasureland were praised profusely; one commenter rated them “five gold stars.”
This charming tale serves as a powerful reminder that goodness endures in the world even in the face of adversity. Narratives such as this instill hope and restore our faith in humanity.
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