She is the TV personality who had more than 700 guys for sex.

Australian reality TV star Belinda Love Rygier says she had over 700 sex encounters and that her addiction to sex “ruled her life.”

She explained how she managed to overcome her addiction and lead a normal life.

Belinda “Love” Rygier, who made her television debut in the 2017 season of The Bachelor Australia, revealed that she has been single for 15 months and is a client of a recovery center.

The 38-year-old woman disclosed that her only purpose for going out six nights a week was to meet new sex partners.

When her addiction was at its worst, dating apps weren’t as publicly accessible, the Australian personality admitted.

Words from a Past Sexual Addict

When approached to speak on a radio program, Belinda said she “didn’t realize she had a problem until she healed from it,” according to Mirror.

The woman said, “After I recovered, I was positive that an unresolved trauma from my past caused my sex addiction.”

Despite the fact that her sex addiction had taken over her life, the woman maintains she was a “functional addict,” leading a wonderful life that functioned well and kept her secrets hidden.

The TV personality asserts that she has “lost count” of the number of men she has had sexual relations with over the years, but she is certain that the tally exceeds “seven hundred.”

She did, however, declare that she is “not ashamed” of the number of sexual partners she has had and that she still has a “high sexual desire.”

“The woman expressed that her desire was to feel beautiful, validated, and loved; men were great at providing me with the information I wanted to hear.”

Why is she not having sex right now?
Belinda said, “Sex is used for the wrong reason—quick or fleeting validation from others. Society has declined.”

She admitted that in the past, engaging in sexual activity required a strong emotional connection. “I’ll have sex again, but with someone I truly connect with this time.”

With thousands of fans, the TV star has become a social media “love guru,” routinely appearing on shows to impart life lessons to her audience.

Why experts don’t always recommend sleeping with a fan on

Has anyone else noticed that it’s a little… warm right now? Like, really warm? And for many, this deep humidity can have a major impact on sleep – after all, having a bedroom that’s part-snooze station and part-sauna can be pretty uncomfortable. The obvious solution for sleeping in the heat? A fan! Right? Erm, unfortunately (and we hate to be the ones to break this to you) some experts are actually warning against sleeping with a fan on.

According to Sleep Advisor, sleeping with a fan on might not always be a great idea for health-related reasons, as although having a fan on will circulate air to make your room cooler and fresher, it can also circulate pollen and dust. Which isn’t ideal if you suffer from allergies, asthma or hay fever (which has also ramped up for many at this time of year).

“Take a close look at your fan,” the Sleep Advisor suggests. “If it’s been collecting dust on the blades, those particles are flying through the air every time you turn it on.”

Other reasons not to sleep with a fan on include the fact that it can dry out your skin, as well as your nasal passages, and if your nasal passages become too dry, Sleep Advisor warns that the body can produce excess mucous, making you feel all bunged up come morning time. Not ideal…

pregnant woman lying in bed has difficulty sleeping due to heat wave, she uses an electric fan in her bedroom

And then there’s muscle cramping. “People who sleep with a breeze directly on them may wake up with stiff or sore muscles. This is because the concentrated cool air can make muscles tense up and cramp,” the experts explain. “This problem is especially common for people who sleep with it near their face and neck. If you’ve been waking up with a stiff neck in the morning, it might be because of the constant breeze.”

On the flip-side, the article does point out that fans in the bedroom can work well for people as provide comforting white noise to help people drift off to sleep when it’s stuffy.

But if you’re prone to allergies, it could be worth trying other options like a cool flannel in a bowl of water near your bed, or sleeping on top of the covers with the window open. Happy sweating either way, folks!

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