This Man Is Suing His Parents For Having Him “Without His Consent” And It’s Looking Good

There are highs and lows in life. While you consume, work, play, and sleep, you also have to cope with discomfort. You have personal problems that make life more difficult than you would want, regardless of who you are or what circumstances you find yourself in. However, if you had never been born, none of this would be taking place. Raphael Samuel, a 27-year-old anti-natalist from Mumbai, India, believes that having your own parents is a reason to sue them.

Samuel’s divisive comments are causing quite a commotion on his Facebook page, “Nihilanand.” He frequently shares memes and videos supporting his belief that it’s unfair that your parents opted to bring you into this dysfunctional world and that you were born without their consent.

Some perceive him as being humorous. Some believe he lacks empathy. There are those who genuinely enjoy him. One thing, nevertheless, never goes away: people are still interested in him.

Even though Raphael Samuel might appear a little ludicrous in his disguise—especially when combined with his flamboyant remarks—he nevertheless stands up for the common guy while sporting his trademark false black beard and dark sunglasses. He never stops preaching that parents who give their children a life they didn’t ask for are self-centered and should not be respected.

He usually makes memes to draw attention to his concepts. He poses in front of vividly colored phrases in these pictures. “A good parent puts the child above its desires and needs, but the child itself is a desire of the parent,” reads one of his most recent quotes. #ParentsAreEmpathetic

Samuel oddly enough says he gets along well with his dad (DailyMail). He feels that he is not required to thank them for bringing him here, even if he doesn’t treat them disrespectfully.

Raphael Samuel claims in a video titled “Why am I suing my parents?” that although his father hasn’t accepted it, his mother has accepted his beliefs. “He’s getting used to the idea,” He deals with some really decent parents, for someone who says you don’t have to respect them.

Samuel approaches the possibility of suing his parents more and more as “Nihilanand” gains popularity and amusing online remarks. Through Facebook photographs that assert, “Your parents had you instead of a toy or a dog,” people are endorsing his beliefs and letting him know that he is making a “good point.” You have no debt to them. Their amusement comes from you.

Samuel has even gone so far as to liken having children to slavery (for the owner’s/parent’s gain) and kidnapping (because of the lack of permission). His main objective is to ensure that people are aware that having children is a choice, even though many of his ideas seem to veer more toward sensationalism and internet trolling. In a society where having children is practically a given, he wants to defy convention and show that there are valid reasons not to.

How do you feel? Is he trying to make a point, or is he just making fun of us all?

Sir Elton John’s Surprising Parenting Method: His 2 Sons Do Chores for Pocket Money

Sir Elton John and his husband, David Furnish, have been together for more than 20 years. They have two sons, Zackary and Elijah, and they are working hard to raise them to be humble and understand the value of money.

Sir Elton John is a famous musician with 32 albums and shows no signs of slowing down. At 73, he still gets many gig bookings.

Even though Sir Elton John has had a successful career for over 30 years, he is now focusing more on his personal life, including his marriage to David Furnish and their two sons, Zachary and Elijah.

Before becoming a parent, John and Furnish had a whirlwind romance that began in 1993. John said he returned to his home in Windsor and wanted to meet new people, so he asked a friend to organize a dinner. David Furnish was among the guests, and John felt an immediate connection with him. He liked that Furnish was a bit shy and dressed nicely.

The next day, they went on a date, which led to their long-term relationship. They were in a civil partnership for nine years and got married in 2014. They shared their wedding day with their sons, who were ring bearers, and posted about it on Instagram.

For John and Furnish, sharing their special day with their kids was heartwarming, especially since their journey to becoming parents was challenging. In 2009, they connected with a Ukrainian boy named Lev at an orphanage for children with HIV. They wanted to help him because he came from a broken family, but the government didn’t allow it since Lev was considered too old. Despite this, they continued to support and talk to him

Meeting Lev made John realize that he could become a father. He admitted he never thought he’d have kids because he felt too old. Shortly after, they had their first son, Zachary, in 2010 via surrogate, and their second son, Elijah, in 2013.

**Raising Kids Out of the Spotlight**

Even with their busy lives, the couple wanted to be very involved in their children’s lives. “We don’t want to leave raising our kids to nannies and housekeepers,” said Furnish. Becoming parents was the best decision for them, and their main goal now is to raise their sons to be happy and healthy.

John wrote a touching letter to his sons, saying how much they have changed his life. “Zachary and Elijah, you are the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. You’ve filled my heart with love and my life with purpose and meaning in ways I didn’t think were possible,” the singer wrote.

John and Furnish are proud of their family and want their children to always remember the love and support they will receive from their parents.

Since becoming parents, John has talked about how his views on life have changed. He and his husband now focus more on spending quality time with their sons than on material things. John admitted that they used to spend a lot before having kids, but now they have cut back and focus on only what they need.

The couple has also been teaching their children about the value of money and the effort needed to earn it. John knows his kids have a comfortable life but wants them to stay humble. He doesn’t plan to leave them his entire estate. Instead, he wants to provide a good life while keeping them grounded. He explained:

“Of course, I want to leave my boys in a good financial position. But giving kids everything can ruin their lives.”

From when their sons were toddlers, John has worked to teach them about money. At ages five and three, Zachary and Elijah might not have fully grasped their parents’ fame, but John and Furnish taught them about saving and spending.

Back in 2016, John shared that the boys would earn £3 ($3.74) for doing chores around the kitchen or garden. They would then split their money into three categories: charity, savings, and spending. As they grew older, their chores included cleaning their rooms, and they earned stars for each task they completed.

Although their children’s lives are far from ordinary, John and Furnish strive to keep things as normal as possible. John mentioned that their kids live like local children and are not isolated behind the gates of a mansion.

When asked about raising his kids in the spotlight, John acknowledged the challenges but said he finds the public “brilliant” and “not hostile.” He doesn’t mind taking photos with his family and enjoys spending time with them outside their home, like going out for pizza or a movie.

John makes sure not to miss important moments with his children due to his fame. He often picks them up and drops them off at school.

**Elton John Shows Off His Sons**

John and his husband usually keep their sons away from social media, but the “Rocket Man” singer recently shared a rare photo of Furnish, their sons, and their godmother, Lady Gaga. John expressed his sadness at not being able to join them for the photo but sent his love.

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