Tragic events bring orphan colt, mare together

An orphan colt whose mother died shortly after giving birth has a new mom – a mare that had tragically lost her foal – thanks to the generosity of strangers and Washington State University veterinarians playing matchmaker.

Pairing an orphan foal and a nursing mare is a challenging task and one that commonly ends with failure. In this case, the connection was instantaneous. 

“The mare had only been without a foal for about 24 hours,” Dr. Lisbeth Matthews, an equine medicine and surgery intern, said. “We walked her into the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and past him. He made a noise, and she went, ‘oh, there’s my foal,’ and started making noises back at him.”

It was a surprise to everyone how quickly the mare, named Shelly but affectionally called Mama by her owners, Roy and Faye Lions, accepted the colt. Equine veterinarian Jenifer Gold, who was helping to care for the foal and to supervise its introduction to the mare, said nursing mares frequently reject orphan foals, and when they don’t, the pairing process often takes days. 

“She walked in and started nickering at him like it was her own baby – it was unbelievable,” Gold said. “I’ve been doing this for 20 years, and I have never seen it happen that way.” 

The foal, which has been named Laredo, was admitted to the teaching hospital by his owner, Spokane resident Rachel Williams, just days after he was born when he started showing troubling digestive issues. Shortly after the colt arrived in Pullman, Faye Lions placed a call to WSU to see if the equine team was aware of any orphan colts needing a nursing mare.

“Our foal was dead, and nothing was going to bring it back, so we were hoping we could help someone else,” Faye Lions said. “It just so happened there was a foal there.”

A day later, the colt and Shelly were introduced. 

“For them to be so willing to basically hand over their animal to a complete stranger after experiencing their own tragedy was pretty phenomenal,” Williams said. “I feel like in this scenario it was the worst of the worst for everybody, but there was a little bit of silver lining to the story.”

Williams is also grateful for the care and treatment she and her foal received at WSU. 

“I just can’t even find words to say how great the veterinarians at WSU were,” she said. “They went above and beyond. I am just happy I ended up at WSU. I am so glad we were able to match those two up – it is kind of a miracle.”

Shelly will live with Williams until the colt is ready to be weaned, likely in six months, before she will return to her home in Kamiah, Idaho. 

“It will be tough to say goodbye because you just naturally start to bond with animals, and she has kind of been my lifesaver,” Williams said. “It will be bittersweet for sure, but I am sure her owners will be happy to have her back.”

During the spring, the equine team at WSU typically sees at least a handful of orphan foals. Equine medicine specialist Dr. Macarena Sanz said orphan foals can be fed a powdered milk formula designed for horses, but those raised by humans typically develop behavioral issues that can become problematic as the animal matures. 

“They turn out to be socially weird, have no understanding of personal space, and they are more difficult to train,” WSU equine veterinarian Macarena Sanz said. “The fact that this orphan foal has a mare is really going to make a difference.”

Sanz strongly encourages owners to immediately call their veterinarian if a foal is orphaned, as early care is critical to the animal’s survival. 

Heather Locklear: A Life of Ups and Downs

The legendary actress Heather Locklear, who starred in television series like “Dynasty,” “T.J. Hooker,” “Melrose Place,” and “Spin City,” has lately returned to the public eye. Fans are astonished by the 62-year-old actress’s altered appearance in new paparazzi photos. Her battle with addiction and other personal issues has taken a toll, as shown by the prominent scar on her face.

Heather Locklear, hard to recognize

Hard to recognize Heather Locklear was recently photographed in Los Angeles with her fiancé, Chris Heisser. Locklear was dressed simply in white and went for a natural, makeup-free look. Locklear demonstrated her generosity by rolling down the car window and handing money to a homeless person they saw on their way out after seeing friends.

Heather Locklear and Chris Heisser

The lives of Heather Locklear and Chris Heisser Locklear have been filled with ups and downs. Her struggles with alcohol and drug addiction have had a major negative affect on her physical appearance in addition to putting her in legal hot water. She has publicly shared her efforts to overcome her addictions and sought help through approximately 20 rehab visits over the years.

Locklear has also had a difficult time finding love. She’d experienced two unhappy marriages—to rock stars Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora—before finding true love with Chris Heisser. They rekindled their relationship from their high school days at Newbury Park High School when they were engaged four years ago. After four years of dating, Locklear’s daughter Ava from her marriage to Sambora recently became engaged to her lover Tyler Farrar. Locklear’s kid and fiancé’s love and support have surely been a source of strength for her on her path to recovery and atonement.

Ava Locklear

Locklear Ava

Regretfully, Locklear’s private issues have frequently come to light. Over the years, police have been summoned to her home quite a few times. She gained notoriety in 2018 after being detained on charges of assault against an officer and domestic abuse. Locklear entered a guilty plea to all charges, which resulted in a sentence of 120 days of suspended jail and 30 days of involuntary admission to a mental health hospital.

Heather Locklear mugshot

Mugshot of Heather Locklear

Locklear became one of the most adored television actresses of the 1980s and 1990s thanks to her extraordinary talent and engaging performances. She was a six-time Golden Globe nominee who shown her versatility in series like “Spin City” and “Melrose Place.” Despite not winning any prizes, she had a tremendous influence on the television industry.

Heather Locklear in "Melrose Place"

“Melrose Place” star Heather Locklear.

While we consider the highs and lows of Heather Locklear’s life, let us keep in mind that beneath the press and changes is a woman who is still battling her issues with fortitude and resiliency. Locklear’s tale serves as a reminder that one may find hope and take back control of their life even in the midst of hardship.

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